
OnePlus 3’s price in the UK will rise by £20 next week


OnePlus warned that it might happen, and now it has: the price of the OnePlus 3 in the UK is going up. The company has announced that they will have to bring it to £329, which is £20 more than it usually goes for in the country.

By now, you’ve probably figured out that this is due to the Brexit vote that passed in the European country which saw them leaving the European Union. This move resulted in a sharp and quick decline in the economy which weakened the value of the sterling pound against the dollar. Since OnePlus does a ton of business using dollars and sells phones at razor-thin profit margins, this meant they would take losses in UK sales if they remained at the original price.

The change will happen July 11th, meaning you still have a week to get it at its original price of  £309 before it hikes back up. PS: accessories are still their original prices, so don’t worry about having to pay more for those if you’re interested.

[via OnePlus]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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