
10 Top Android Stories of the Week (May 7th)


There is an overwhelming amount of Android news each week, but you can follow the best of the best with an app called EarlyBird – News for Android. It includes ALL of the Android news you crave and lets users decide what matters.

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You can download the app on the Google Play Store or for desktop users, find related discussion at Android Forums News section.

Here’s what you picked as your favorite news stories for the week of May 7th:

#10 – Google releases new Nexus factory images

34 Votes – EarlyBird has plenty of Nexus faithful, proof coming with the May security update story that brings patches and improvements for the following devices: Pixel C (MXC89F), Nexus 6P (MTC19T), Nexus 5X (MCT19T), Nexus 6 (MMB30G and MOB30I), Nexus Player (MOB30G), Nexus 9 WiFi and LTE (MOB30G), Nexus 5 (MOB30H), and Nexus 7 (2013) WiFi and LTE (MOB30J).

#9 – Google Keyboard improves auto-correct

35 Votes – Do you get annoying auto-correct suggestions on words you frequently purposefully misspell, broseph brohemian? Swipe away your irritation. Google Keyboard now lets you tap, hold, and drag up on unhelpful auto-suggestions to remove them forever.

#8 – Android Dictionary by Android Central

35 Votes – If you’re wanting to get down with lingo of Android insiders and learn all about APKs, SDKs, ROMs, and other acronyms and jargon, Android Central has put together a mini-dictionary to get you started.

#7 – Nova Launcher v4.3 brings night-mode and more

37 Votes – Nova Launcher is the world’s most popular home screen replacement app for Android, including one of our 100 Best Android Apps, and it’s millions of users were really excited for version 4.3 which brought night-mode, 

#6 – Google Now On Tap finds lyrics automatically

37 Votes – If you’re running Marshmallow, pop open Spotify or Google Play Music, play any song (with vocals) and then hold down your home button. You’ll find that “Now on Tap” locates lyrics for you automagically. Nice find!

#5 – App updates now show correct download size

39 Votes – When updating apps from the Google Play Store, your device isn’t always downloading the entire app or game from scratch. Sometimes it only needs to download changed or new files of importance. However, the Play Store would always show the full size of the complete APK download. That’s now been fixed!

#4 – Galaxy Note 6 to feature USB Type-C

39 Votes – Although USB Type-C is the “new” technology for charging mobile devices, many manufacturers are opting against using it, instead preferring the standard MicroUSB port for which everyone and their mother already has chargers lying around. Such as been true with Samsung, but it appears this will change, as the Galaxy Note 6 looks like it will feature USB Type-C.

#3 – Google Calendar v5.5 update adds tinted status bars and dark icons

40 Votes – It appears the little touches go a long way as EarlyBirds gave 40 upvotes to this Google Calendar update that brings UI tweaks including tinted status bars and dark icons. And by the way… you can download it now if you haven’t already.

#2 – LG unveils next-gen fingerprint sensor under glass

41 Votes – Up until now, fingerprint sensors have largely been built into the home button of smartphones, but LG has a vision where that could change. They’ve just unveiled a technology that would allow the manufacturer to bake the fingerprint sensor into the glass display, placing it anywhere on the screen (or multiple places).

#1 – Google Keyboard receives an update to v5.0

46 votes – This huge update to Google’s popular keyboard brought several improvements, among them a 1-Handed Mode and adjustable keyboard height.

What’s YOUR top news item for the week?

Disagree with the Top 10? Let us know in the comments and vote for yourself every day by downloading EarlyBird on Google Play!


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