
Facebook Mentions for Android makes it easier for the elite public to share their life with you


Facebook has launched a new app for Android. It’s Facebook Mentions, and if you don’t remember this is an app that was initially only available to early partnered celebrities, and eventually opened up to anyone with a verified profile (which is used to verify the pages of popular and public people). The app was made available for iOS way back in 2014. We’re not sure what took it so long to trot on over to Android, but here it is.

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Let’s start with what Facebook Mentions is not: it’s not a new way to follow your favorite celebrities. You still do that in the main Facebook app. This app is for the celebrities. They download this and use it to share things like status updates, photos, video and live broadcasts to all their fans. It’s a glorified Facebook Page manager, essentially.

It does have a little bit of benefit for those who can use the app, though, as it allows verified users to connect with each other and get updates on everything they care about. Then again, they could have also done all of that on Facebook. But we digress — it’s here, and if you’re cool and popular enough (think politicians, journalists, athletes, musicians and actors) to be able to use it then be sure to give it a spin.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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