
Deal: Get the unlocked Samsung Galaxy S6 32GB for just $399 on eBay


Quick heads-up on another Samsung Galaxy S6 deal: eBay has it going for $399, which will get you a fully unlocked 32GB unit. Shipping is free, and it’ll likely arrive some point after Christmas.

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is one of Samsung’s best phones yet, and while detractors may tell you that the lack of expandable storage and a removable battery completely ruined the device, it’s still a high-tier option for those who don’t care about that stuff. Of course, with the Samsung Galaxy S6 right around the corner it’s not the device to get if you want the latest and greatest, but if this price tag speaks to your inner budgeting self and you don’t mind it being supplanted by a new release within the next few months then it’s worth pulling the trigger.

Samsung Galaxy S6 DSC09342

Oh, and act fast — 83% of the units are already claimed as of the time of this writing, and that number won’t take long to max out. Head here for the deal.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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