
Blackberry Priv pre-orders suffer a short delay


It seems Blackberry had a bit of an issue getting some of the early PRIV pre-orders out in a timely fashion. The company has confirmed a delay that’ll push shipment of the handset back for some folks by a couple of weeks.

blackberry priv 3

The company seemed to indicate that delay times may vary for different people, as they only noted that they expect all current shipments to be out of the door by November 24th:

This is a follow-up to the email we sent you on Friday to keep you updated on ShopBlackBerry PRIV pre-order deliveries. Due to demand, there has been a delay in shipping PRIV smartphones to some customers who pre-ordered.

We continue to deliver PRIV devices and expect all remaining pre-orders to arrive no later than November 24th. Once your order has been shipped you will receive a confirmation by email so you can track your order.

That’s not a terribly long stretch of time, but it can be annoying if you’ve been anticipating its arrival.

We’re not sure what to think of the delay at this point — proof of high demand or proof of low supply? That’s always a tricky meter to read when you don’t have access to numbers, but we should note that carriers generally get a bulk of the initial production as opposed to the unlocked models which Blackberry sells themselves.

As such, if you don’t mind getting your PRIV straight from AT&T then you should check with your local store to see if they have any units available. Otherwise, be patient and you’ll have the goods before your Thanksgiving turkey goes into the oven.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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