
Hands-on with OxygenOS 2.0 on the OnePlus 2 [VIDEO]


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The OnePlus 2 is the first phone to launch with OxygenOS out of the box. As usual, OnePlus boasted a lot about the greatness of their own OS. We were able to test it for ourselves to see if it lives up to the hype. OxygenOS is based on Android 5.1.1. It looks a lot like stock Lollipop, but OnePlus has plenty of extras packed in. Check out the video below to see OxygenOS 2.0 in action.

OxygenOS can easily be summed up as a cross between stock Lollipop and CyanogenMod. For the most part it looks like your basic Nexus software, but little improvements and changes here and there add a lot. Things like gestures, softkey control, a dark theme, custom LED notification colors, app permissions, and more. The launcher is also very interesting. It takes the idea of HTC Blinkfeed and makes it much more useful. We’re really liking what we see in OxygenOS.

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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