
Phan Favs: What is the best photography app for Android? [VOTE]



Phan Favs is a recurring feature that turns the tables and asks you, the readers, about the best apps and games. It’s your turn to drop some knowledge on us! Read more.

Phones didn’t always come with cameras. Back in the day it was a pretty big deal to have a “camera phone,” but eventually it became a common thing. Then it was a big deal to have a phone with a front-facing camera. Now that’s a normal thing, too. Nowadays, most people use their smartphone as their main and only camera. It has drastically changed the way we take photos.

Our fancy cameras would be nothing without the software that goes with them. Photography apps are some of the most popular mobile apps today. Instagram is so popular that Facebook purchased it for $1 billion. There are tons of great apps out there for taking photos, cropping, fixing, filtering, collaging, and much more. We want to know which one is your favorite!

How To Vote

We’ve compiled some of the most popular photography apps in the poll below. If your favorite app is on the list you can simply select it and vote. If your app isn’t on the list you can enter the full name (as it appears in the Play Store) in the “Other” box.

Note: We’re looking for apps that can do more than simply take photos. Stock camera apps such as Google Camera or Motorola Camera won’t be counted.

[polldaddy poll=8968589]

Next week we will compile the results and release the top five apps according to your votes. In order to get a good sample size we need your help in sharing this poll. Share with your friends and discuss your pick in the comments below!

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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