
Inbox by Gmail now uses natural language recognition to suggest reminders to add


inbox reminders

Inbox by Gmail has just gotten a lot cooler for those who make use of Google Reminders. The app can now automatically suggest reminders to add by using the company’s natural language engine.

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It does so by examining the contents of an email and determining whether a reminder could be set. For instance, an email from your wife saying “Don’t forget to get the milk tonight” could automatically set a reminder for later that night to pick up milk. Simple and easy on our end, which is what this whole natural language engine is all about.


Google has also made it so that making a reminder in Google Keep can make them show up in Inbox. Clicking a reminder in Inbox can take you back to its entry on Keep where you can view additional notes you may have added with the reminder.

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. Might be time to try inbox again. Can we delete yet?

    1. Overflow menu -> Trash

      1. Thanks

    2. You can enable swipe to delete in the settings menu, or you can alternatively check off emails and just hit the trash icon at the top.

  2. now if they can incorporate this into texting then that would be AWESOME. I dont know about any of you but my wife does not email me, she texts or calls. But its a cool feature none-the-less. Put this into texting!!

    1. That would be Now on Tap in the final version of M if I’m not mistaken.

      1. if that is the case, then i’m even more excited to get M on my Nexus 6!

  3. WIDGET!!!

  4. I tried Inbox for months. I found it overly complex. I did like the ability to add reminders. Ultimately, I deleted it and went back to Gmail because it’s simple and functional.

    1. exact same thing here. Its just a bit much to take in.

    2. That’s an interesting take. I actually find Inbox to be too simple, at times.

      1. Take a look at your Inbox within Gmail’s All Mail view. There were thousands of old useless emails there for me. For me, I hate a messy Inbox. Plus, the reminders were wonky for me. They wouldn’t “read” the email to auto fill. Minor thing, but highly annoying, especially when using it for bill reminders.

        I’m going to give it another chance though.

        Update: another reason I didn’t like it. I just got a Groupon email. I don’t want to archive. I actually need to go in the app to delete.

        1. I just redownloaded today and if you go into the options you can change “done” to “delete”

        2. I didn’t know about the All Mail, but either way I’m using Inbox religiously and previously I was using Gmail’s categorization so I can still easily find messages. I prefer my ‘Inbox’ inbox due to being able to sort through a bunch of new messages and send them out of site quickly. My inbox has a sun I never knew existed until I used Inbox.

          I think Google Now has the best implementation of bill reminders.

          In regards to deleting, you open the email and in overflow menu there’s a move to trash selection.

    3. It seems like marking an email as “Done” does not mark is as read… I think I’m doing something wrong…

      1. Yeah I hate that, I always have to open the message and then check it off. I assume it’s so the ones that are ‘read’ are truly read and you don’t miss anything.

  5. Now if Google can do that, and then incorporate Calendar events, that would truly be awesome. Such as you’re at work, and your wife asks you to buy milk later, so Google reminds you when you get out of work (based off of Calendar).

    1. How would Google know when I get out of work based on my calendar?

    2. Doesn’t Google Now do this already?

  6. Inbox is for dumb people; the dumber you want your email to be, the more you’ll like Inbox.

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