
Hands-on: Huawei Talkband B2 Fitness Band and Bluetooth Headset


The cat is out of the bag: the Huawei Talkband B2 is now available for purchase. I’ve been playing with the half fitness band / half bluetooth headset for the past 24 hours- not nearly long enough to provide a review – but long enough to start formulating some opinions. We’ll post our full review next week, but until then, here are some early impressions:

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  • The band itself is more comfortable than that of competing products from the likes of Jawbone and Fitbit. The sizes are incremented with 10 holes , ensuring various wrist sizes equal comfort. I found the fit to be comfortably snug and secure.
  • The snap-back-hat style clasp is also effective (where similar products from competitors have been difficult to initially snap in place and troublesome to keep snapped throughout the day).
  • Removal of the watch face (aka the bluetooth headset) is absolutely effortless as is fitting it back into position
  • The earpiece seems a little big, but not to the point of discomfort. The rubber ear piece is also removable so you can theoretically replace it with a different size from an aftermarket supplier.
  • The Talkband charges via MicroUSB- no annoying proprietary connections or irritating docks.
  • Downloading the app from the Play Store and syncing it with UP by Jawbone was easy peasy.
  • The device looks nice while worn on the wrist but when examined more closely it seems a bit like cheap plastic. However, considering the likelihood of wearing while exercising (and therefore sweating), this may be a strength rather than a weakness. Keep in mind the Talkband B2 is water and dust resistant.

That’s just a quick rundown of my initial first impressions after 24 hours wearing the B2. It’ll take me awhile longer to formulate concrete opinions, but stay tuned for the full review in the near future!








Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I’ve been using this device for weeks now and I am really loving it!

    1. Have you tried using it with another device? How would the features work with a Non-Huawei device?

      1. I’m using it with an HTC OneMax. I’ve also played with the app on Apple. All you need is the Huawei app…

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