
Verizon begins Android 5.0 Lollipop rollout for the Samsung Galaxy S4


samsung galaxy s4 lollipop verizon

Samsung Galaxy S4 users on Verizon are getting Android 5.0 Lollipop, or so says this support document on Verizon’s website. The upgrade brings everything you’d expect from Samsung’s Lollipop experience, including improved lock screen shortcuts and notifications, an updated recent apps experience and Material Design themeing throughout many of the system’s apps.

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The software version rolling out is LRX22C.I545VRUG0C1, so keep that in mind when looking to pull it down. It should arrive to your handset over-the-air in due time, though you can always check for it by heading to the Settings menu. Don’t forget to get on WiFi and charge your battery to ensure things go smoothly!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Not Bad Verizon. 2 years ago next month I bought this s4, and you are still pumping out updates. Not the most timely but my s4 has been rock solid. If it had better battery life I wouldn’t be tempted to spend 200 on another contract flagship phone. I am eyeing the G4 tho.

    1. Hi, I recommend you to try this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EoEQdosPRw
      I’m very happy with the length of the battery.

  2. Can anyone comment on how well this runs? I’ve seen countless reports of Lollipop practically crippling the Galaxy Note 3. Curious to see how the S4 holds up.

    Also, it looks like the TouchWiz on the S4 isn’t getting updated? Not even updated to the UI on the S5?

    1. I’ll update when my spare get’s the update

    2. I hate the VZW Lollipop update for my Note 4. :(

    3. Just now getting 1 of 2 updates to my vzw S4

    4. Friend has it on his AT&T S4 and it has the new S5 UI finally. Haven’t heard any lag problems from him.

    5. Finally updated! Seems snappier than 4.4.2. No issues here! Any specific questions?
      Edit: I had to delete files /apps to create room for 1.92gb update… Now I have 2.15gb available… Weird
      Edit 2: noticed on lock screen settings box is checked for factory reset after 10 incorrect tries… Not sure if that’s lollipop across the board, but with cerberus, I had to unchecked that!

    6. I’ve had it since noon today and its definitely slower than before with KitKat. I really don’t want to do a factory reset to fix the lag, but I may have to. Recent apps menu and opening apps are slow now.

    7. I recently did a factory reset before the upgrade so it was running well on 4.4.2. Since the upgrade to Lollipop, I think it still runs very well considering it’s a 2 year old phone. The battery life is definitely better than before. I am averaging 1.5% per hour drain when sitting in standby. On 4.4.2 with a fresh reset, I was draining at almost 3% which was an improvement from about 5%+ before the reset. The OS seems to run well. I’m not seeing any lag, apps run well and it hasnt frozen or crashed yet. I’m still getting used to the new notification panel. I dont like how everything shows up on the lock screen. I can choose to hide private content but then it shows up and says “Content hidden”, which I think is stupid. When I turn it off, it doesn’t show up at all. I would rather it just show “new email” and say nothing else OR keep the icon across the top without taking up space on the main lock screen. Getting used the nuances is part of the process, but overall i’m pleasantly surprised.

  3. Let’s see Lollipop for Droid Turbo


  4. noooo stoppp of the humanity i hate updates

  5. Jezus effing CHRIST! when is Verizon gonna release Lollipop for the M7? Now the S4 has it and not the M7…ugh

  6. SONY Z3V!!!!!! DAMN YOU VERIZON!!!!!!

  7. Updated by wiping the phone clean first, no issues at all. Very smooth in fact. Used the the developer options to kill the animations which was not totally necessary.

  8. Two things to know….so far it says Android Auto is not compatible with this device and it also killed my mhl-hdmi connection…….wish I could go back to 4.4.2!!!

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