
Deal: 100GB of Microsoft OneDrive storage for free (US Only)



Microsoft’s OneDrive is some impressive kit of online storage, and if you happen to fancy it over Google Drive or Dropbox then there’s a huge deal waiting for you. Anyone in the US can now get 100GB of storage for the cost of signing up for Bing Rewards and opting into email offers.

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The catch is that the storage lasts for just two years, after which you’d need to pay the current price of $1.99 per month to maintain at least 100GB of storage. Those prices are quite reasonable, and should you decide not to continue on with OneDrive it’s quite simple to download all your files for safekeeping elsewhere.

What happens after two years? You’ll be able to keep those files in the cloud, but you wouldn’t be able to add anything new until you remove enough files to get below your plan’s base storage or pay for a plan. If nothing else then you can consider it a good digital garbage dump or a temporary staging location for moving files from one place to the next.

[via Gizmodo]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

[Update]: Chromium for Android builds will soon require Google Play Services

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  1. Meh, pass… Not interested in Bing emails (or anything Bing for that matter), not interested in paying later.

    I have DropBox, Drive, Box…. all for free.

    1. I didn’t like Box. I got the 50GB free, but I was limited to uploading 250MB at a time. So I couldn’t save my movies. This was before the Dropbox and Drive promotions I got. Though I think both those expire this year. =.[

  2. no more huge backups on clouds for me….my mediafire got hacked this past weekend. I’m moving to external hard drives in lock boxes now.

    1. And your hard drive gets stolen. There’s no such thing as perfect security. So you shouldn’t let that scar you.

      Is your password unique or hard to solve? Just because the password may be long doesn’t necessarily mean it’s strong. Though I’m not saying it’s your fault.

      Most of the time when people get hacked, it’s either a mass hack from a security exploit, or someone is out to get you and has studied you. LoL!!

  3. use hola addon on firefox , and get the 100 gb outside US

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