
OnePlus One will now be available for open sale every Tuesday


oneplus one open sales

While the OnePlus One invite system will remain the standard route for being able to purchase the device, OnePlus has taken a big first step to more wide-spread availability. The company has announced that the phone will be available via open sale periods every single Tuesday from here on out, beginning tomorrow.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The sale period lasts a whopping 24 hours — a big jump from the usual 2-hour window these typically have — and begins at midnight Pacific (that’s 8am for you folks in London). What’s more is that even those who buy the phone during the open sale will receive an invite to dish out to a friend who wants to buy one.

It’s quite funny that OnePlus considers their invite system “beloved” when it’s been one of the main annoyances attached to the device, but with weekly opportunities to snag one it should be a lot less frustrating for those who haven’t been lucky enough to secure an invite. Let us know if you’ll finally be looking to buy a OnePlus One now that you won’t have to put up with any hijinks.

[via OnePlus]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Oh great here come the Oneplus haters who will now complain that you still need an invite the other 6 days.

    1. And mention hardware/software issues that are (mostly) solved. I realize the early run had some problems, but so far as I can tell, the latest ones have it down.

    2. disagree….I dont own one but after playing with it, I totally get why the phone has such great appeal. =) I think its an awesome phone!

    3. Its a fair criticism since its been 10 months since the device was released.

    4. @oneeyedmonkey <- this guy for the win.

      1. Lol thanks. It just seems like anymore these people spend more time bitching about the invite system than actually trying to get one. I mean it literally only took me a couple hours to get one and have been enjoying this phone since middle of last year. And you asked and recieved. If people don’t like the invite system that comes along with buying the product go but an HTC or Samsung but don’t complain and cry that you don’t want to try and get a invite.

        1. People like to complain. Obviously they’d like one but did not want to put in any effort to get one and since they have to consent to another method of purchase they complain. It’ll happen withthe one plus two as well as the nexus 6 already since they are not readily available without effort. Your welcome and thank you.

  2. i don’t understand the fascination with these phones. is it the exclusivity? someone please tell me. i am not being sarcastic i just genuinely don’t understand it.

    1. its actually a cool phone once I got to play with one. My friend said he had quite a bit of bugs when he first got it but after a series of updates, most of the bugs are gone. The phone is really awesome in a bunch of ways. I love the back….its like this fuzzy velvet material. Its super fast (but i think my nexus 6 is snappier). I like the camera UI and the lock screen too. I can see the appeal of the phone for sure. And the price!

      1. i just can’t trust hearsay anymore. for years and years i’ve been told the nexus is the boss hog but when i picked up my nexus i wasn’t blown away as i thought i would. so with “everyone” all about the one plus one now i am just thinking will it be another “Meh” moment.

        1. well…I’m with you on not being blown away with my Nexus 6 haha. I think its left me with a lot to be desired. I do love it though. if I could hit rewind, i would have stuck with my G3 until the Flex 2 comes out. coulda-woulda-shoulda! Hopefully 5.1 is released soon and fixes a lot of these bugs! :) i’m remaining hopeful

        2. don’t get me wrong the nexus line is awesome… i was just prepared to have my mind blown and that really didn’t happen.

          1. The phone was over hyped. It happens. There’s nothing overly good about except it’s price. Normally, high-end phones are $600+. Even budget versions of the high-end devices tend to be $300+. So to have a device that can compete with $600+ phones for half the price is amazing. It’s the same thing with the Nexus 5. It’s really the price and what you get with.

            Some people have the mentality that you get what you pay for, so when you get something cheap that’s actually good it seems to be the best thing in the world. I’m not knocking the phone or anything like that, just giving justification as to why some people might say the phone is exceptionally good.

    2. $300 price tag.

  3. I have stopped caring for this phone but now want a cheap but good device I’m deciding between last year’s nexus 5 or waiting for the zenfone2 now that I can just but this phone I will consider it too how much is it going for?

    1. that zenfone 2 looked pretty nice….one thing that killed me with my N6 was the price….had to have it though. I have a friend that has the N5 and loves it to this day, the pros outweigh the cons (battery life & camera). zenfone 2! I hear its $200 off contract (which doesnt seem real)

      1. The $200 will be the one with 2gb of ram instead of 4gb and a prosser clocked at a lower speed than but still looks to be a beast for $200 the thing that keeps me hesitant is my track record with Asus products I almost always have a quality issue with whatever I buy from them

        1. well if you have had issues with them then I will keep note of that since i’ve never owned an Asus product but was considering it! :)

          1. Have an asus laptop that the hdd died in under warranty. The tech support number was a little hard to find online, but service was great. Had my computer fixed and back to me in about 10 days after i sent it off.

        2. Yep. I’ve owned three Nexus 7 devices and ALL of them had issues
          Makes me a bit hesitant despite the specs

          1. I’ve had two motherboards that were bad out of the box and my nexus 7 had a loose screen

    2. Nexus 5 running 5.0.1 is nothing but a while bunch of bugs! I rather have kit kat back.

      1. Thanks for the info

  4. At this point, who really cares anymore?

    1. I agree…I got an invite last week. But already purchased my Sony Z3…..I couldn’t wait anymore…

    2. Yeah… if they had done this 6+ months ago, I’d had grabbed one. Too late.

  5. Maybe if it updates with a Snapdragon 810 and staying at the same price, people would start caring about it again.

  6. Are they really that delusional to refer to that system as “beloved”? Also, someone explain the true reason for such limited sales procedures. Is it that they just can’t manufacture enough for all out open sales? Is it that simple?

    1. My guess is NA device sales are not taking priority over asian markets so we have to wait until demand falls there first before would see any widespread availability.

  7. This is lovely. I have friends that are looking for phones at a cheap price. I keep telling them, but they’re never willing to drop $300. I’m like, then stick with your cheap Android phone, and they complain.

    Now I have a low priced phone to add to my list of phones to recommend to people.

  8. Best battery life I have ever had in a phone hands down. Which is why I am considering this phone again over my Moto X 2014. My phone is dead before 3/4 has gone by. I love my Moto X but damn, if I can’t use it.. what’s the point. My only saving grace is my portable charger.

  9. I wanted this phone badly. The invite system sucked so i waited for the nexus 6, so glad I did.

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