
Name your price to hone your programming skills courtesy of



Alright, slackers. It’s time to wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and make something of yourself. is making it simple by offering you the chance to get schooled up on back-end coding right from your computer or mobile device. You won’t even have to leave mom’s basement to be well on your way to becoming a l337 pr0gr4mm3r.

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Name your own price back-end programming learning bundle at


Better yet, you can name your own price. It’s not like we are asking you to go to college so you can swim in student loan debt for the rest of your mortal life. For a one time fee of whatever denomination you choose, you will gain lifetime access to eight courses covering the most sought-after skills, including top programming languages advanced concepts in back-end computing, including Ruby, Python, and PHP.

This 95+ hour bootcamp will not only help you become the best programmer you can be, but a portion of your purchase will be funneled directly to one of three charities of your choosing. How often can you better yourself while improving the world around you for a price you name without leaving the comforts of your bedroom? Not very often, is the answer. So head over to now and show us what you are made of.


Kevin Krause
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  1. Don’t be cheap! Name your own price must be greater than $1.


  2. Why would a beginner choose to learn these languages instead of C# or Java?

    Edit: Asking because I’m a beginner trying to decide a language to pursue!

    1. IT depends on what you want to. IF you want to build Android apps then learn java.

    2. Programming is about logic not about the language you use. It takes years of experience to learn good approaches and bad approaches. Colleges and course can only give you the tools. What you do with them is up to you and your own creativity. C and C++ are tough but good to learn because they often wind up under the hood of the other languages. I originally programmed in assembler 30 years ago and that’s getting down to the metal. But it too was about what you did with it and the coding logic.

      BTW, there is no lack of programmers out there. Many unemployed. Maybe they just want to flood the market with cheap programmers.

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