
You can now buy the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge at Verizon Wireless for $400 (on-contract)


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The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is finally available for purchase from Big Red. Verizon’s version of the handset is identical to all the rest: it’s a Note, with an S-Pen, and a curved display that can come in handy for showing notifications and giving you quick access to apps and tools.

And it’s $400. On-contract. No typo. That’s the price you’ll have to pay for a device Samsung considers a “limited” special release. You could make it a bit easier to swallow by opting to grab it on Edge for $33.33 per month for 24 months, or if you have the pocketbooks that can stand such a hit at one time you can opt to pay $800 outright.

Our Samsung Galaxy Note Edge review should tell you everything you want and need to know about the thing and how it stacks up to the slightly cheaper, yet slightly less advanced Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Give that a good read if you’re wondering. A quick recap on specs, though:

  • Curved 5.6-inch Super AMOLED display @ 2560 x 1440
  • 2.7GHZ quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset
  • 3GB of RAM
  • 16 megapixel rear camera, 3.7 megapixel front camera
  • 3,000mAh battery
  • Android 4.4 KitKat
  • S-Pen

Need more? A healthy crowd of folks over at AndroidForums.com might help you form a more solid opinion on the device. You can stop by Verizon’s site or head to one of the stores in your area to purchase one right now if you’re interested. But trust me: with that price tag, no one would blame you if you didn’t.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. This thing is a spit to the face of all the Left-Handed people of this world. Out of the 12 last US Presidents 7 were left-handed and in 1992 all three major candidate for president were left-handed. (Bush, Clinton, Perot) This is just another example of bias against left-handed people. #StopTheInsanity

    1. Left handed people have no souls, everyone knows this.

      1. You are telling me that:

        Jim Carrey

        David Letterman

        Ed O’Neill

        Dennis Quaid


        Spike Lee

        Dan Aykroyd

        Teri Hatcher

        Pierce Brosnan

        Ron Perlman

        Whoopi Goldberg

        Drew Carey

        Martina McBride

        Bill Gates

        Demi Moore

        Jay Leno

        Dale Earnhardt Jr.

        Paul McCartney

        Ben Stiller

        Oprah Winfrey

        Matthew Broderick

        Tim Allen

        Mark Wahlberg

        Diane Keaton

        Morgan Freeman

        Lisa Kudrow

        Bruce Willis

        Seth Rogan

        Robert Redford

        Prince William

        Angelina Jolie


        Robert De Niro

        Have no Soul?

        1. Clearly there souless

          1. Clearly grammar is not your forte.

          2. Clearly no one asked you Grammer Nazi!

          3. Funny that you criticize someone’s grammar because here is a quote from you, “your telling me that”

            I suppose you’re not a fan of contractions?

        2. Yeah, I can say pretty confidently say that over 75% of that list are soleless.

          And what is even worse, your list is full of vapid actors. Actors. You went to actors for your list. Not scientists, not Noble winners, not teachers, but lamely fake actors. The people that spend a living being fake. Nice list.

          1. I’m a leftie and I couldn’t have said this any better. Actors and politicians suck and are an embarassment to the left handed community.

            Make a list of useful people!

          2. Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci. Those two good enough for you, wiseguy?

        3. I’m more baffled that you would assume anyone on that list had a hint of a soul… You must be left handed as well.

      2. Gingers are the same way. Be careful around them.

      3. We don’t have souls but we do have a conscience (unlike the gingers).

    2. Maybe left handers could hold it upside down.
      (I have 2 lefties in my family)

    3. I’m left-handed, and I approve this message. #StopTheInsanity2015

      1. A fellow left-hander here and I approve of left-handed solidarity . I modified my phones to be optimal for my usage style and for being left-handed, first my S3 and then my Nexus 5. I use CM to move the multi-tasking button over to the left since I use it a lot more than the back button which usually sits on the left. I also use launchpad triggers with GMD Gesture Control on the left side of my screen to bring up my most used apps.

        I confuse the crap out of people who actually try and use my phone since I don’t have icons and my app drawer is triggered by a Nova Launcher gesture.

  2. You can buy a note edge, but still no Nexus 6. Great job big red!

    1. It’s coming in mid to late February

      1. Screen-shotting for posterity.

  3. So, have all the folks who criticize Sprint for their on-contract pricing woke up yet? Or did they breeze past this article because it says Verizon?

  4. Hey guys, I was questioning the processor you listed. I’m not sure its a Exynos. I know Samsung’s site lists an unnamed quad core so that’s questionable, but Qualcomm lists it on their site to have a snapdragon 805, same as Note 4. Hope this helps.

  5. Yeah BUT – like all of their new phones – will it have simultaneous voice and data out of the box OR will it have to wait for their stupid maybe coming possibly estimated 30-90 day later update to get the most basic of 5 year old functionality.

    This nonsense with VZW is why I am not updating my phone right now.

  6. KK 4.4?

  7. $400 on contract! Is there 24 karat gold in it?

    1. There’d better be two $100 bills included with the phone packaging.

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