
Unboxing Oppo’s latest: this is the Oppo N3 and Oppo R5 [Video]



Oppo’s dynamic duo, the N3 and the R5, are the latest Android phones to come from the Chinese company. While Oppo isn’t a household name here in the United States, the company has been making a name for itself in recent times among Android enthusiasts and throughout tech geek circles. Not only are Oppo’s devices very popular in China, of the utmost quality, and sport a highly customized Android experience, Oppo’s smartphones often bring new technologies and innovation to the table.

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The N3 sports a fully automated camera for the selfie enthusiast looking to take high quality self portraits as well as a photo taking experience like nothing before, while the R5 features an ultra-slim design for the smartphone minimalist. We’ll be taking these devices through the daily grind over the next few weeks and have a full review to follow. Stay tuned.

Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

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  1. First

  2. Second

  3. Oppo R5 looks like an iPhone 5/5S

  4. Fox leather? Faux maybe?

        1. I guess I’m more of an authentic leather guy. Then again, I know nothing about fashion. I never heard that term ‘faux’ until recent times. The first time I can remember seeing it was with the Galaxy Note 3 I believe. I never heard it spoken and always read it. My wife had a good laugh at this… and I guess I did too ;)

          1. No worries Derek. Most of the people that would comment on it are condescending pricks. My cousin recently picked up the Note 4 and he too said faux leather and I only corrected him so others wouldn’t tease him. The term I heard many years ago was “pleather” but I don’t even know if there are different grades of fake leather or if it’s just different words being used in various parts of the world. Thanks for the unboxing video, it would be cool if some of these cheaper devices wound up on Verizon…

  5. It’s pronounced FOE leather. Haha.

    1. Never heard the term spoken before. My wife thinks I’m an idiot after she saw the video :)

      1. Just had to razz you

        1. I’ll wait until after the Phandroid holiday give a ways. I’m pretty sure I’m winning a New device from you guys.

          1. Fingers crossed man! Good luck!

      2. Derek, just as general information, Faux it’s a French word and it means something around the lines of “fake” , fake leather as in imitation leather. Fake doesn’t have a negative connotation in this case, more like “no animals were killed to make this product” :-)

    2. It’s pleather, known as vinyl….plastic leather

  6. What network is Oppo used in the USA?

    1. If a US compatible version is built for the N3 or R5,more than likely they’ll fall in line w/their predecessors (OPPO FIND7-7A & N1) & work on the GSM Carriers,AT&T/T-Mobile & the MVNO’s that operate on their networks.(The FIND7-7A & N1 are 100% compatible w/both,including LTE for the FIND7-7A)

      The authorized vendor of OPPO phones in the US is OPPOSTYLE.
      Currently,they do not have the N3 or R5 listed,likely because a US Version isn’t available yet.
      Coincidentally,the OPPOSTYLE website is currently experiencing technical difficulties,but,a cached view of the site from Dec 5,2014 is available ATM.

      1. The N3 has LTE capabilities here in the US. The R5 does not, at least on the version I received and according to the paperwork with it. HSPA+ works fine on the R5 though. I will confirm with Oppo.

        1. That’s good to know. The N1 that I had was (is) 3G only & was plenty fast on T-Mobile in my area. The R5 would be the one I’d consider for now,if your battery life tests prove to be acceptable.However, even OPPOMART is showing the R5 as out-of-stock/coming soon.

  7. Is there no Cyanogedmod option for the N3?

    1. Let us check back after the phone gets released :)

  8. I’d be interested in the sound quality out of the usb port.

  9. Oneplus Two is that you?

    1. Possibly, but I doubt it. I’m assuming the OnePlus Two will be based off of the next Find device. We’ll probably see that in the spring just like the Find 7a and Find 7 of this past year.

    2. I’d be ticked if the 2 had the same CPU as the 1. Strongly considering it as my next phone since nexus no longer supports reasonable prices.

  10. Thank you for the first look. Have an opo now because of you and someone else on this excellent site . looking forward to seeing if one of these models becomes the one plus two… At this point I feel I’m definitely getting it. Thank you again Derek for another awesome article :)

    1. You’re welcome. Wait for our review before making any decisions though.

      1. When do we get to make a decision on the g watch r?

        1. You’re not the first person that has mentioned a review of the G Watch R. I’ll bring it up with the powers that be.

  11. Do you know the specs on these?

  12. Can’t fit headphone jack? TOO THIN!

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