GamesTips & Tricks

Yes, you can play Lollipop’s Android-themed Flappy Bird clone on your Nexus Player



Google outdid themselves with their latest easter egg, building a Flappy Bird clone right into the source code of Android 5.0 Lollipop. How could they possibly do any better than an Android and Lollipop-themed Flappy Bird clone on your tablet or smartphone? Take it to the living room, of course. We’ve tested it out, and, yes, the easter egg works on the new Nexus Player with its Android 5.0 build installed.

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How do you access this lollipop fun time candy land of dreams? Follow these steps to the ’t’ and you will be there in no time.

  1. From the home screen, navigate to the settings menu.
  2. Under device, scroll all the way to right and click “About.”
  3. Scroll down to highlight the version number (if for whatever reason yours does not say 5.0, why haven’t you updated? Stop now and take care of that).
  4. Click the the select button on your remote (the the ‘A’ button on the gamepad) at least three times in rapid succession (the quicker, the better).
  5. A colorful circle will appear on your screen. Tap the D-pad in any direction at least three times and the circle will grow into a lollipop (you’ll know because the word “Lollipop” also appears).
  6. Again, click the D-pad in any direction. The lollipop will change colors. Repeat until the lollipop disappears and is replaced with a graphical scrolling background.
  7. Now tap up on the D-pad. An Android will appear along with several lollipop obstacles. You know what to do.

If that made no sense at all, here’s a super quick gonzo-style video I threw together to illustrate the process.

And there you have it, a totally free, totally addictive game on your Nexus Player that you didn’t even know you have. Oh, and if you don’t have Android 5.0 or a Nexus Player, there’s already a clone in the Google Play Store. A clone of a Flappy Bird clone. Who would have thought?

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in!

NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet gets Android Lollipop Nov 18th; GRID cloud gaming open beta begins soon

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1 Comment

  1. Didn’t google pull a bunch of apps from goplay for cloning this very same game? Kind of weird message/turn around from past actions.

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