lollipop wallpaper

Android Wallpaper: L stand for Lollipop

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How funny would it be if there was a guy out there that closely followed candy trends, but has no idea about Android? All of a sudden the amount of searches for “lollipop” go through the roof. “Lollipops are going to be so hot this year!” Jokes aside, Android Lollipop is a hot topic these days, and s big reason why is the brand new Material Design language. People dig it.

If you want to get a little of that Material Design on your device you can load up one of the 11 HD wallpapers from Lollipop below. To get one of these wallpapers on your phone, tablet, or even PC, simply tap or click on the image to see it at full resolution. Then long press or right-click to save the image. Let us know which one is your favorite, and be sure to share a screenshot if you use one of these wallpapers! Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

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