
Phan Favs: What is the best sports app for Android? [VOTE]



Phan Favs is a recurring feature that turns the tables and asks you, the readers, about the best apps and games. It’s your turn to drop some knowledge on us! Read more.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Blue 42…Omaha…set….hike! Fall is a great time to be a sports fan. Football season is in full effect, and the MLB playoffs are just a week away. With all the games going on it can be hard to keep track of wins, losses, top stories, standing, and all those important stats. The advent of the smartphone has made sports a much more immersive experience for fans. There are hundreds of great sports apps available for Android, but we want to know which is the best!

The ball is in your court (pun fully intended). We want to know what apps you use to keep track of sports. It doesn’t matter what you use the app for. It could be a live streaming video player, score checker, news reader, fantasy football app, etc. If it involves sports we want to know what you use.

How to vote

We heard your pleas for a new way to vote, so we’re going to try something a little different this time.

  1. Type the name of the app you wish to nominate in the form below.
  2. Click “Submit”

It’s as simple as that. Leave a comment below if you can’t get the form to work, or you want to explain your choice. Next week we will compile the results and release the top five apps according to your votes. In order to get a good sample size we need your help in sharing this poll. Tweet it, post it on Facebook, share it on Google+, pin it on Pinterest, or whatever you like to do. Alert your favorite developers so they can vote! Play ball!

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. MLB At Bat for me. GO TIGERS!

    1. *cough* giants *cough*

      1. Ouch, still a little painful.

  2. BR team stream

  3. Yahoo Sports

  4. My Fitness Pal hands down. Been using it for ages to count my calories, it’s never failed me yet.

  5. The IDC app. As in I don’t care about most sports that are popular in North America.

  6. Onefootball FTW!

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