
Download the Sqor sports app for Android and win 1 of 4 $250 Google Play gift cards! [Contest]



A new sports app has found its way into the Google Play Store, folks. It goes by the name of Sqor, and its street creds are through the roof — Brett Favre sits as a board member for the company, and we all know how great of a legend he is (Go Pack Go!). So what is it exactly? Think of it as a sports social network where you’ll be able to keep up and interact with your favorite athletes. Basically, it’s like Twitter for sports.

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Upon signing into the app you’re asked to follow five of your favorite athletes. The initial list of athletes you are presented with are folks who are officially partnered with Sqor and post directly to fans within the app. Brett Favre, for instance, put on a pretty nice contest for all his Sqor followers to win two jerseys in celebration of the beginning of the 2014 NFL season.

Following someone like Brett Favre will keep you in the know about all his whereabouts — whether he’s posting a nice video to fans or just random thoughts on a cloudy day, his musings will show up throughout your timeline.

What’s unique about Sqor is the ability to comment on those posts for the athletes and other fans to see. Following an athlete also delivers the latest news and reports (from independent, third-party sources) regarding their current happenings so you’ll always know what they’re up to.

You can follow athletes who aren’t officially partnered with Sqor (there are over 1,500 across many different sports and leagues right now), but you’ll just see the latest news related to them. Following the best quarterback in football (Aaron Rodgers, duh) will pull stories related to him from sources like Associated Press, ESPN and Sporting News, all of which can be commented on and shared.

sqor screen grab

Of course, you’re just as free to post your own thoughts whenever you feel the need. I, for one, had quite the outburst regarding what happened in last night’s opening game between the Seattle Seahawks and my poor Green Bay Packers.

Another interesting element of Sqor are the Showdowns, which are basically pick-em games between you and your friends. Choose who you think will win games every week, and you’ll win badges and trophies for doing well. Do well enough to win at least 10 showdowns and you’ll be entered to win a $500 gift card to Unfortunately Showdowns are limited to the website, but we’re told the mobile app will be getting some love shortly. They’ll also be adding support for MLB, NBA and more in due time.

And that’s Sqor — a great social network for sports fans that allows you to interact directly with your favorite athletes. No PR middlemen or official team pages to get in the way. Be sure to give it a download for free in the Google Play Store, and read on to find out how you can win 1 of 4 $250 Google Play gift cards for participating in all the juicy sports discussion.

Contest Details and Rules

If you’ve come this far you’re probably interested in those Google Play gift cards up for grabs. We’re glad to say it’s quite easy for you to sign up to win. The entry requirements are simple: download the Sqor app to your Android device from Google Play for free, make an account, and post to the social network using the hashtag #sqordroidlaunch.

Your post can be anything, from heckling Brett Favre about all those gray hairs acquired over the past few years to harassing yours truly about the Packers’ lack of a respectable defense. Here are the full rules and regulations for the contest:

  • Up for grabs are 4 (four) Google Play gift cards worth $250 each, and Sqor shirts and/or hats for 5 other lucky contestants
  • To enter, download the Sqor app, make an account, and make a post in the Sqor app that includes the hashtag #sqordroidlaunch.
  • Entries will be accepted until Friday, September 12th at 12:00pm eastern.
  • Upon expiration, four random lucky winners will be chosen to win a $250 Google Play gift card, while 5 others will walk away with a t-shirt or hat from the Sqor store.
  • The contest is open worldwide, so feel free to enter no matter where you are!

That’s it! We’ll be announcing the winners once the contest concludes. Be sure to grab Sqor using the download links below to get started as soon as possible! And one last time for good measure: Go, Pack, Go!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Application will not load on my LG G3… but works fine on my N7

  2. Unless this is just for Verizon “Droid” phones, this should be #sqorandroidlaunch.

  3. Another social media?

    1. I don’t love football. I actually hate it. But I’m still entering the contest because I want that gift card.

  4. Link is to the website. Website link for the app is to iTunes. #sqordroidlaunchfail.

  5. Lol Aaron Rodgers is the best QB? I almost choked on my Dr Pepper like the Packers did against the Seahawks.

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