
Google+ update brings the ability to cast your feed to your Chromecast


google plus chromecast update

A sweet new update is headed to Google+ today that will allow you to cast your feed of photos, video and more from the folks in your circles right to your Chromecast-equipped TV. It works quite as simple as you’d imagine — the app can automatically cycle through the popular content in your stream with it obviously emphasizing image and video in full-screen glory. You’ll still see any text content that comes along with the post, but the main idea is to highlight that rich multimedia goodness.

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Of course, you won’t have to leave it up to the app to decide what to show. You can cycle through the content at your own pace if you want. We’re not sure how many people were jittery for this functionality, but it’s there if you’ve been wanting it all this time.

The upgraded app should be heading out through Google Play now, though we hear the new casting functionality is a server side switch so it may not show up for everyone just yet. Grab the app from Google Play and let us know how you’re liking the new feature if you’re one of the lucky few to be able to use it right now.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Chromecast just gets better and better… but I’m still waiting for that Screen Casting :-/

    1. Screencasting is available now. You activate it through the chromecast app.

      1. Maybe he is talking about his phone.

  2. can I use this to display a live feed of photos at a party? If not, can someone recommend an app or something that will allow me to do this? I want people to be able to take pictures, and then they live-update and go to my TV, like a live event feed

    1. Thats pretty much exactly what google photowall does you can find it on the play store. Its still a little beta though, ive had mixed reesults with it sometimes refusing to work. But its pretty cool when it does work.

      1. Thanks for the suggestion, I got really excited until I started reading some of the reviews lol.. is there nothing else available?

    2. As much as I like G+, I think for displaying photos at parties you should look at DayFrame. It collects photos for all your image galaxies, dropbox, Facebook, etc. You can cast the photos with transitions to your TV with Chromecast.

  3. lol, I’m sure you can give Google+ every feature imaginable and the world still wouldn’t adopt it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see this used over Facebook, but I just find it funny how much better Google+ is and the features it keeps getting, then there is Facebook.

  4. I’m waiting for the update where you don’t need WiFi.

  5. I Can’t use google+ on my android

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