
This latest Samsung Galaxy Alpha leak helps confirm a handful of the device’s upcoming specs



Earlier today we got a good look at what is likely the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Outfitted with a sleek new aluminum frame, it’s not the first time we’ve seen a leaked Samsung device sporting the new premium build material. The Samsung Galaxy Alpha has been the center of countless leaks and today it’s showing up yet again, courtesy of the Brazlian site TechMundo. Seems they managed to get their hands on an image of an internal slide, showing off some hardware bullet points for the upcoming device. Where we’ve heard a lot about the device’s specs from multiple sources these past few weeks, it’s nice to have some harder evidence like this to back it up.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

According to the leaked Samsung slide, the Galaxy Alpha will feature a 4.7-inch 720p SAMOLED display, 12MP / 2.1MP, 32GB internal storage and 2GB of RAM (no micro SD card slot), fingerprint senor, 1,860mAh battery, Android 4.4, 4G LTE and Bluetooth 4.0. There’s nothing here that will make your heart skip a beat, but it’s certainly a solid mid-range device.

According to the source, the Samsung Galaxy Alpha will launch at around R$2,399 in Brazil and we could even see a 64GB model offered, although specific markets weren’t mentioned. When it comes to Samsung devices, there’s simply no telling which version of a device will be offered in your country until it’s official. Expect the Galaxy Alpha to launch sometime in late August/early September of this year.

[via SamMobile]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. looks like a mid-range phone at best

  2. Is Alpha the final name or a code name? I don’t like the name Alpha for a midrange device. When I think Alpha, I think flagship devices. I think leader of the pack. Maybe it should be called Samsung Galaxy Mu. Lol

    1. This should be high-end actually.

      1. High-end chip with everything else 2-year-old subpar hardware.. battery and screen resolution LOL! 12MP / 2.1MP isn’t anything screaming high-end either, especially with its $900 rumored sticker price lol.

        1. Obviously, you have no idea what is high-end and what makes the price of a phone.

    2. This is a high end device the 5433 is even more powerful than the 805.

  3. Nice phone for my grandma. But for me, no thanks.

    USB 3? maybe the new USB 3.1 Type-C conector that will be cool.

    1. Well, you think this $900 suits your grandma well? lol

  4. Boring. This has been touted by the blogosphere as Samsung’s effort to compete with the new 4.7″ iPhone, but if so Samsung has lost its way. A 720P display is 3 year old tech. No one will seriously cross-shop this and the iPhone 6.

    I think this is going to be focused to countries with lower average incomes than the U.S. and Europe. It’s reportedly already been seen in Russis, and I suspect we’ll also see in in India and South America, but not in North America or Western Europe.

    1. Really cause last i heard iPhones don’t have 1080p. That battery though why so tiny? That’s some 3 year old tech

      1. Apple doesn’t even have 720p!

        1. Well, the new iPhone is rumored to be around 900p. So if Alpha is to going head to head against the 4.7″ iPhone6, I would rather get an iPhone LOL. That’s how disappointed I am with this product to even consider an Apple!

          1. Still… no 1080p? Must be a three year old thing, I guess…

            I would consider something outside Apple and Samsung. Apple hit fashion designer status, and Samsung is on it’s way.

          2. I think I remembered it being 14xx X 960 something like that? Don’t quote me on that though lol

    2. First, with a 4.7″ screen, it’ll be fine using 720p. Second, the screen isn’t a plain old amoled, it’s Samsung’s Super amoled (Samoled).

    3. Meh, on a 4.7in I can live without 1080. Sometimes it seems better for the saved battery life.

  5. I may as well hang on to my Note 2 if these are the expected specs for the Note 4.

    1. This is not the Note 4….. it’s the alpha.

  6. That battery size is a joke.

  7. The only time 1860 should be used is as a response to the question what year did the American Civil War begin. Battery = Joke

    1. Lol. If you want your Phone 6 mm Thick ….small battery.

      Impressive but Impractical. IMO.

      I love 4.7 ” screen and 5.2″ device height with powerful specs and Camera – but I don’t need it THIN.

      Samsung -How about a thicker Alpha or NEO with a 2400 to 2800 Mah Battery ?

  8. This better be some <$300 unlocked LOL

  9. There’s no reason a smaller phone can’t have a good battery, more than enough RAM, and an SD card slot. Samsung just isn’t trying hard enough here.

    1. No, they are intentionally dumbing own their devices in hopes of being cool and competing with Apple. I have put up with Samsung and their mediocre build quality, lousy radios, and laggy TW just to maintain the combination of a large screen, expandable storage, removable battery and solid SoC. Once Samsung starts to jettison their major differentiating factors it makes it impossible to live with their other faults.

  10. Agreed it’s the stupid Spec Race to have a very thin phone.

    Do you personally care if your phone is
    6 mm thick or 12 mm thick ?

    Want a Battery that lasts a full day of heavy use ?

    Want an SD Card for Storage/ Back Up ?

    Slightly thicker phone .

    Samsung – now that you have proved you can do the Micro Thin Wafer Phone, PLEASE give us another Model

    Pocket Sized 4.7″ Like Alpha but thicker, bigger Battery SD Card.

    Pocket Rocket, Pocket Power for Active People.

  11. And all the bitches were crying all this time because they thought it’d be a S5 Prime or so…. go hate worse companies y’all.

  12. uninspiring mid range….

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