
T-Mobile releases SIM unlock app onto Google Play, only compatible with one phone at the moment


Samsung Galaxy Avant TMobile Device Unlock app

It’s only been a week since President Obama signed into law the Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act (better known as the cellphone unlocking bill) and already, we’re seeing a hint of good things to come. Because there’s an app for everything, T-Mobile is doing their customers a solid by releasing their all new “Device Unlock” app into the Google Play Store. The free app allows users to SIM unlock their device whether they intend on using it overseas, or on another compatible network. Gotta love freedom.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

T-Mobile SIM unlock app

Unfortunately, if you visit the Play Store listing you’ll notice the app has already garnered quite a few 1-star ratings from users. This has to do with the fact that, despite the app clearly stating exclusive compatibility with the recently launched Samsung Galaxy Avant, users are upset it’s not working for their particular device.

Keep in mind the app really doesn’t do much, and simply puts in a request for T-Mobile to unlock your phone (Galaxy Avant-only at the moment) with 2 options: permanent unlock or temporary. Seems like a nice gesture from the folks at T-Mobile.

You can bet we’ll see T-Mobile open up “compatibility” to more devices down the road and if you want an early start, download link provided below.

Image credit: Lex Lybrand

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Good guy T-Mobile!!!

  2. “Only available for one device” // **Uses different device for article photo**

    1. Illustrative purposes. :P

      1. You’re welcome. ;)

        (Tried to attach a photo… Did it not work?)

  3. I HATE when people leave reviews like that. It clearly states it’s not for your phone. How can you properly review something when you haven’t even been able to use it?

    Bah!! Oh well… No point in really getting mad. They’ll just get laughed at by others that know how to read.

  4. Just call them and they will give you an unlock code

  5. Sweet, now we need more devices! Not a bad start

  6. It’s too bad there’s no comment system on reviews to bother these fools.

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