
HTC One M7 gets port of Android L developer preview


HTC One M7 thin case DSC01079

HTC One M7 users: want to test Android L ahead of its official launch and don’t mind putting up with a bug or 1,000? You’re in luck if that’s the case, because a team of talented developers over at XDA has an Android L port ready to go from HTC’s flagship of yesteryear.

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Before you rush off to flash this thing, be warned: the Android Developer preview is the equivalent to an alpha build right now. A port of an alpha build probably won’t be the most stable and polished experience you’re going to find. Don’t believe me? This list of what’s not working should tell the story quite effectively:

  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • Data
  • Sensors (except GPS)
  • Camera
  • Sound

Everything else should be good to go, but that list is by no means comforting. As such, you should only go through with flashing this thing if you’re interested in helping the developers test the firmware as they look to stabilize it over time.

Needless to say that if the HTC One M7 is your only phone or your primary phone, you shouldn’t be touching this file with a 10-foot pole. Understand those warnings and still interested in giving it a go? Everything you’ll need can be had in this XDA thread. Otherwise you can wait for HTC to bring what you’re looking for later this year.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Interesting considering I wouldn’t think anyone would had did that without the code released

  2. So basically if I tried to run this, my phone would be a pretty brick. Yeah Ill definitely pass

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