
Android 4.4.4 starts hitting HTC’s Google Play devices


HTC One M8 Google Play edition

Owners of the Google Play Edition HTC One M8 and HTC One M7 should be waking up to a new upgrade this morning. Before you get excited — no, it isn’t Android L. It’s the much less exciting Android 4.4.4, a simple maintenance and security upgrade to shore up the already-solid KitKat build. The main changes in this round of updates address the scary HeartBleed vulnerability that was the talk of the town weeks ago.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The update should be making its way to your device over-the-air shortly, though if you find you’re an impatient being and want to check for yourself you can always head to Settings > About phone > System updates to check for it. As always, you’ll want to make sure you’re on WiFi and have a decently charged battery before going forward. Let us know how it’s treating you once you successfully pull it down.

[Thanks Ralph!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. It’s been rolling out for over a week…

  2. I already have it on my LG g pad GPE

    1. Yup. 4.4.4 started hitting GPE devices last week. The problem with noticing this is two-fold; 1) Not many people own a GPE, and 2) Google does a staggered rollout. So the probability of getting someone to capture their OTA and report it is slim. We often hear about rollouts a week or two after they occur.

      Case in point, I submitted news to Phandroid and XDA regarding the S4 GPE rollout and GPE rollouts of 4.4.4 roughly a week ago.

  3. To be correct, only Android 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 were vulnerable to Heartbleed. Everything since has had the “heartbeat” feature of OpenSSL (which is where the Heartbleed vulnerability was) disabled. There have been a number of other vulnerabilities found in OpenSSL since Heartbleed became public, and those are what Android 4.4.4 fixes.

  4. Got this on my converted T-mo phone on Sunday. Was awesome to see “system update downloaded”

  5. I haven’t got android 4.4.4 update on my nexus 5, can anyone confirm they’re still rolling out the update? or is that only me missed out on the update ?

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