
Alleged Samsung Galaxy F passes through the FCC, confirms dimensions in the process


SM-G906x_fcc_2 Galaxy F

Over the weekend, we got another good glimpse at what could be Samsung’s plan for a more premium Galaxy variant, the higher-end Samsung Galaxy F. Today, the alleged aluminum clad Galaxy passed through the FCC carrying the model numbers SM-G906S, G906K, and G906L — all of which are believed to be the still unannounced Galaxy F for South Korea. Further confirming the regional variant are bands unique to South Korea along with the usual NFC, Bluetooth, and WiFi communications.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

While that doesn’t really tell us much about the device, the reported dimensions do. According to the paperwork, this Galaxy F (or Galaxy S5 Prime) measures 72.5mm x 142mm — the exact same height and width as the Samsung Galaxy S5. Rumors point to a slightly larger 5.2-inch display on this bad boy, so it’s interesting to see the actual device’s dimensions haven’t changed from the S5.

Of course there are those that will be slighted by a phone that is for all intents and purposes, a higher-end, more premium Samsung Galaxy S5. No matter what Samsung chooses to call it.

[FCC | via SammyToday]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Samsung Galaxy Fooled

    1. More like galaxy f u

  2. Galaxy F me !!!

  3. What, exactly, does this phone give us that the S5 doesn’t? A metal case, so that, in addition to welding the ROM and bootloader shut, now they can keep us out of the case?

    Keep going, Samsung. You’re going to make HTC rich.

  4. ‘i think’ -> there is no galaxy f, g906x is not the galaxy prime

  5. Maybe it runs Tizen lol

    1. That’s what I mentioned in an earlier article about this. Build a more premium version and put Tizen on it. Good way to get it to sell.

  6. So many salty people. lol

  7. I’m thinking it’s just a metal looking plastic backplate and new s5 owners will be able to purchase them otherwise wouldn’t the signal suffer?

    1. it is an update made to currecnt samsung flagship
      samsung makes ‘better’ version of it’s current flagship which is exclusive to korea
      since the release of galaxy s1…

  8. I’m not mad because Samsung made a more “premium” phone, I’m mad because it’s obvious that they gimped the design of my S5 by adding an extra millimeter of bezel on each side so they share as many components as possible with the Galaxy F.

    Remember how everyone said “Oh, the S5 needs that extra bezel for the waterproofing blah blah blah…”? Well, now we know that was a crock of sh-t.

  9. As far as I can see, a 72.5mm wide phone with a 5.2″ screen and hardware buttons for all intents and purposes beats the 74.5mm wide G3 with on screen buttons in usable screenspace vs width

  10. I sure hope this comes with the 805 processor since we had to wait this long for it …

  11. Doesn’t anyone see the obvious problem with this phone?

    It is rectangular in shape, with rounded corners. That is brazenly stealing someone else’s valuable design.

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