
PNY’s microSD cards and flash drives are Amazon’s gold box deal of the day


pny flash drive cropped

Quick gold box sale for those of you looking for cheap memory: Amazon has PNY’s collection on sale as today’s gold box deal of the day. You can get 64GB of storage in microSDXC form for just $34.99. They also have 32GB for $16.99 and 16GB for $9.99. Regular sized SD cards range from 16GB for $8.99 to 64GB for $29.99.

Perhaps most interesting are the flash drive options for you all USB OTG fans: there’s a 128GB monstrosity of a thumbstick for just $38.99. PNY doesn’t give us the same confidence as Samsung, SanDisk or Kingston, but for these prices it might be worth taking the risk. Check them all out right here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Thanks. Got a 128gb for 17 bucks with my card points. Pretty sweet deal.

  2. Does anyone who’s bought PNY memory cards or flash drives have anything useful to add as far as performance, reliability and read/write speeds?

    1. I’ve got a few older PNY cards. They don’t get used often because they are older/smaller capacity, but they have been working fine for years.

  3. I’ve used their flash drives. They work good. Haven’t lost anything yet lol

  4. Have you even seen the Amazon reviews before recommending this stuff? Rated Junk across the board!

    1. Have you ever seen the reviews for the products in this article? They are all at 4 and 4.5 stars out of 5.

  5. Hmm, this is the class 10 but not the UHS-1 version… is class 10 better?

    1. UHS-1 can be faster than class 10, but they have the same minimum standards I think, maybe it depends on the product.

  6. I bought two lesser brand 64GB class 10 micro SD cards last week and both ended up corrupting data. Bought a 64GB SanDisk yesterday and It works perfect when moving data from internal to SD.

    These might be fine I haven’t tried them personally but to be honest I’m not going to trust any other brand but SanDisk ever again.

  7. I wouldn’t touch PNY with a barge pole after the fiasco of the Ti4200 graphics cards 12 the years ago.

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