
Moto X off-contract price permanently cut to $399



How did Motorola spend its new year? Why, by significantly cutting the price of the off-contract Moto X, of course. The company announced that the Moto X now starts at $399 on al US carriers, even if you get a Moto Maker-made edition.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The only other time you could have gotten the Moto X for cheaper is when Motorola handed out $150-off promotion codes in their holiday deals bonanza (which made the cheapest Moto X just $350). While the price tag still isn’t quite as sweet as the everyday tag of the Nexus 5, the Moto X has proven to be a capable phone deserving of a lot of attention.

It’s a pretty solid device that excels in areas of user experience, battery life, and — for a fresh change of pace — timely upgrades. It was one of the first Android devices to receive Android 4.4 KitKat, and Motorola says we can expect more of that commitment throughout the device’s natural life cycle. Being able to get it for as low as $399 makes it that much better. Head to Motorola’s site to get started.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I am abandoning my sky high Verizon bill. Ordered my wife and I one yesterday from motomaker when I saw another site post the story. 899 bucks plus 36 bucks tax really hurt but saving 80 dollars a month on my phone bill makes it okay.

    I want Verizon to hemorage people and money is that to much to ask?

    1. I want to leave Verizon, and would love to see them lose a large chunk of customers. However, this will never happen until we have another carrier with decent coverage.

      1. I just decided that as long as the carrier gets me around my immediate area that’s all I care about.

  2. Even though I got my Developer Edition on Cyber Monday, I’m glad to see this happen. Breaking the mindset that specs trump usability is hard, and it’s even harder when your device is priced on par with the specs-above-all devices. If Motorola hadn’t offered to $150 discount (or lowered the price like this), I may never have known how good a device the Moto X really is. This opens the door to many more people exposed to Motorola’s approach, and I think that’s good for the industry. Equally good is the increased awareness, and increased ease, of buying non-subsidized devices that don’t have any strings (contracts attached). To the extent possible with CDMA still prominent in the US, I hope they move toward eliminating SIM-locked devices from their offerings, further weakening carrier’s ability to screw consumers in the US.

  3. Can someone educate me on why anyone would pay 400 bucks for moto X instead of Nexus 5? Is it the look?

    1. Better customer support thru carrier. Outside of that I’m clueless

    2. They need to use Verizon because of the coverage is soooo much better than anyone else’s and the N5 isn’t available. Remember not everyone lives in a major city and doesn’t travel.

      1. I thought off contract = unlocked? Would verizon activate unlocked phone?

        1. Of course. Every S3 is unlocked. Why wouldn’t they?

        2. You can go to any Verizon store and buy any of their phones off contract. just have to pay around 400-700 for an off contract phone. Off contract does not always mean carrier unlocked. The Verizon variant of the Moto X has certain radios that the other variants don’t have, but it still has gsm radios as well. As far as I know, you can pop in a gsm sim and there’s a good chance of it working whether you buy the Verizon moto x on contract or off contract.

        3. off contract does not mean unlocked, and unlocked does not mean off contract. Two different things.
          Off contract just means your not signing a contract and paying the subsidized price for the phone. The phone can still be locked to the specific carrier it was meant for.
          Unlocked means it can work on any carrier (usually just gsm). For example, the iPhone 5 came unlocked by default on every carrier (even big red). If you bought one “on contract”, you could still pop in a different carriers sim, you would just have to keep paying your old carrier monthly because you still have to pay because of the 2 year agreement.

          1. I see…I guess that’d be one reason to buy it.

    3. Customizable, active display, voiceless controls, not everyone wants a giant phone, slightly better battery life, fits in the hand nicely, available on all carriers, and amazing call quality from Motorola’s radios.

      1. better battery life would definitely be nice….not sure if I care about the rest

    4. The moto x is essentially a nexus 5, with better features (touchless control, active notifications), better speaker and better battery life (20+ hours avg). As far as personal preference goes i would also say that the moto x looks better the customizable thing is a plus too. I’ve used both phones and in my opinion the moto x should have been the new nexus 5 it’s the better phone overall, specs aside. I believe that mostly everyone who has used both devices will agree with my statement.

    5. it looks and feels better in your hands, but still a bit pricey in my opinion!

    6. My reason is that its smaller. Fits in my front pocket without jamming me in the hip while I’m sitting down.

    7. One word: VERIZON

  4. I got gsm unlock version of moto g $200 it is awesome , fast and display is gorgeous. I can see moto x being even better

    1. I recommend the Moto G to anyone who doesn’t care about specs and who want a phone that just works. How is the battery on the Moto G by the way?

      1. Absolutely incredible. With light use you can go a few days between charges, and with heavy use it will probably still last the full day. In just about every way Moto G surpasses what you would expect from a $200 phone.

        1. Thanks mate!

  5. all though i paid 499 for mine, still think it should be more like 300 price tag on this phone, i bought mine because i had to have it but i know i over paid for this phone!

  6. When’s the Moto X gonna come to the UK? Might already be too little too late for most people if they do decide to do it.

  7. I disagree with anyone who says this phone is better then the nexus 5. I’ve owned both and can honestly say the nexus 5 is just a better phone all around. The screen is better, the build quality is better, the camera is better, and the call quality is about even between both. So with that said I would choose my n5 over the X any day of the week. Also for those that want to compare batteries. I will give the edge to the X, however after 2 full weeks using my nexus 5 I am getting roughly 18-24hrs. To me that is great and fits my use pattern just fine.

    1. The n5 is better because its a nexus. The moto x is better out of the box for those that do not know how to mod it. And if you have verizon the moto x is really one of your only options.

  8. I have the unlocked verizon version of this. This is my first non nexus android. Great phone once modified but it does need to be modified if you are used to nexus devices (i came from gnex). The bloatware and security for portable wifi hotspot is pretty annoying on this device. Otherwise the stock OS is pretty awesome once you get xposed, delete the bloatware apps, and mod the wifi tethering so its free again.

    1. the wifi tethering on the Nexus5 stock, reports to the carrier if you are tethering or not. how do you bypass it on the Nexus5? is the same way as you did for the MotoX? what’s the process?

    2. Does the unlocked verizon version work with GSM carriers such as T-mobile and AT&T? Because I need a new phone on verizon, but when my contract ends in December 2014 I am moving to tmobile.

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