
BBM reaches 40 million downloads as BlackBerry faces massive losses



BBM for iOS and Android has reached 40 million downloads in 60 days, and that’s about the extent of the good news to emerge from BlackBerry’s latest fiscal report. The floundering company reported $4.4 billion in losses on revenue that has dropped by over 50 percent from the same period last year. The latest only digs a deeper hole for the once-proud BlackBerry after posting a loss of $1 billion for the second quarter of the fiscal year.

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BlackBerry’s latest response? An increased partnership with Foxconn, which will see the Chinese production house sharing in the development and manufacturing of new BlackBerry devices as well as manage inventory. The arrangement allows BlackBerry to retain the name and rights to its product lineup while reducing its hand in the actual hardware portion of the business.

As might be expected, BlackBerry stock took a hit that was greater than anticipated following news of continued losses, but there seems to be some hope stemming from the Foxconn partnership. Will it be enough to save a company that can’t seem to get back on track? A deal with Foxconn is a smart move in some respects (ignoring the stigma of labor rights issues surrounding the company’s manufacturing plants). In lieu of BlackBerry deciding it would no longer seek partners in a deal to sell the company, it might have been their best option.

Between a deal with Foxconn and decent performance by BBM on third-party platforms, can BlackBerry make a comeback? What do you think?

[Press release]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Blackberry Ltd = dumpster fire

  2. Can anyone say BlackBerry and Android dual boot? Switch it up guys. Make the data available on both OS’s. But probably not going to help at this point; People have already transitioned to a new OS. Plus they would lock it down like Fort Knox and totally ruin all the fun of owning an android…

    1. WISHLIST! Blackberry sales the company to Google or create a partnership with them so that their patents and /or the best of their software/hardware can be utilized to create an unique android device that can potentially compete with that which is currently offered in the market today. “If you cant beat them join them.” This would not only aid their survival as a company, but will also add more choice for the consumer.

  3. Too little, and way too late.

    1. Wow, that’s an original statement…did you think that up all by yourself? Do you also say “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”?

  4. blackberry is done, they are better off selling to Google, or Apple.

  5. ‘As might be expected, BlackBerry stock took a hit that was greater than anticipated’…Really? When did this happen? The stock finished up 17%. I know people are obsessed with the ‘Blackberry is dead’ thing, but to print something that is completely wrong is a bit shameful.

  6. Poor Blackberry!

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