
AT&T Galaxy S4’s Android 4.3 upgrade resumes rolling out; Galaxy Gear update going out, too


samsung galaxy s4 airview

AT&T was one of the first carriers to get Android 4.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S4, which meant it was also the first carrier to notice a big issue with the OTA upgrade. The carrier had to suspend rollouts until Samsung got the issue fixed, but they’re starting to roll it back out now that things are all keen and peachy. This upgrade will bring the premium suite features all other 4.3 Samsung devices have gotten, including improved camera features, Samsung Knox security and more.

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Alongside all that is also Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch compatibility. It’s worth noting that the Samsung Galaxy Gear is also getting an upgrade that will improve Smart Relay functionality (seeing a notification on the watch and opening the corresponding notification on your device), as well as the ability to view full notifications for all apps without having to defer to your device. AT&T has all the details about what you need to get the upgrade right here, so be sure to check that link out in case you need a bit of help.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Because the Note 2 hasn’t been out longer…..

  2. 4.3? everyone else is rolling out 4.4! Samsung is getting a little too cocky, they can go down faster then went up. Just ask anyone at Blackberry, cant come back after you’re reputations been ruined.

    1. S4 Google Play editions got the 4.4 update…

    2. Just FYI At&T controls the updates. Samsung had the 4.3 update months ago.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Quentyn!
    Is that GEAR update an AT&T exclusive w/their devices,or all GEAR users, regardless of carrier?

  4. it was downloading. got to 33% and then it started disappearing from my notifications. now when I check it tells me that I’m up to date on 4.2.2

  5. Ok so I’m download the 4.3 update and it didnt get halfway yet and shut off. Y’all seriously need to fix this. Its ridiculous how difficult it is to download an update.

  6. Nope I don’t want Knox.

  7. Those already on AT&T 4.3 are getting a small patch update as well.

  8. Checked this update out on two different At&T S4’s this a.m. After fifteen minutes of it trying to load and getting to 15% and 20% it just disappeared completly from the screen and status bar. Now it says you have to wait 24 hrs to try again!!! This is such B.S At&T!!! Unbelievable.

  9. Okay, trying for the 3rd time to get this update downloaded. It just stops and disappears into thin air! Why the heck do they not provide a manual update option?!

  10. I did the update last night with no problems. The phone seems faster now.

  11. 3rd times a charm, download completed. Had to set the date out to Dec 1st. ;)

  12. i just tried again for the third time it downloaded but it would not install it keeps saying software installion interupted WTF any help would be boss right about now stupid humans lls

  13. Have been trying to update since yesterday. No luck. The update either just stops and disappears or gets interrupted. Not cool!!

    1. Mine said it was interupted too! I restarted my phone an there it was….Updating in the power up window..And everyone is right IT SUX!!! My phone is acting up now!!!

  14. Remove ur SD card!! I tried like 5 times with no luck until I removed my SD card. I think might of been because it had 300mb left on my sd

  15. There seems to be no earthly force that will allow me to download this update completely to update my dad’s phone. I love my Galaxy Note 2 but Samsung updates are trash. My next Android will be a nexus. What is the point of Kies anyway if you can’t download firmware with it?

  16. Gettin tired of this waiting game. Bye android hello iphone 6

  17. Sweet, 4.3 while other OEMs are pushing out 4.4. Great job Samsung with the S4 lol.

  18. I contacted AT&T and they said they are aware of the issue of the update not working, and that they are working on a fix. Go figure.

  19. Do yourself a favor and save yourself a headache unless you already did the first upload of Android 4.3 and you are just running the small patch do not put this version of 4.3 on your Galaxy s4 there is still in major battery drain issue and this will kill your battery so save yourself the headache

  20. My update went through after about 10 tries! Im finally on 4.3.

  21. I’ve tried to download the update 6 nights in a row and every time is a failure. It will download between 1 and 25% then just shut off. Seriously debating getting rid of samsung and At &t after being with them from the beginning. Should have left after they bought out Cingular

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