
Oppo N1 First Look and Hands On


Oppo N1

The N1 from Chinese based Oppo looks to bring innovation back to the mobile phone scene. The N1 boasts a gorgeous display, a high quality and very unique camera, as well as other unique features such as gesture controls, rear controls and of course the O-Click Bluetooth accessory. We go hands on with the Oppo N1 to give you a first look.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

OS: ColorOS with Android 4.2.2 / CyanogenMod
Display: 5.9-inch IPS Full HD 1080p
Processor: 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 Quad Core
GPU: Adreno 320
O-Touch: Slide up or down, left or right, tap, double tap and long press for different functionality
O-Click: Bluetooth accessory for remote control and security purposes.
Camera: 13-megapixel sensor with dedicated ISP, FlashDual-mode LED, Aperture f/2.0
Scene modes: Normal, Panorama, High Speed, Rewind, Beautify, and Slow Shutter
Storage: 16 / 32 GB
Dimensions: 170.7 x 82.6 x 9 mm
Weight: 213 g
Sensors: Distance sensor, Light sensor, G-sensor, 4D Gyroscope
Battery capacity: 3610 mAh
GSM: 850/900/1800/1900MHz
WCDMA: 850/900/1700/1900/2100MHz
Other connectivity: USB OTG, Bluetooth 4.0, 5G Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi Display, GPS

We’ll be back with a full review of the Oppo N1 later this week. Have questions about the N1? Let us know in the comments.

Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

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  1. What’s the MSRP?

    1. It appears to be in the (USA) 500 to 600 dollar range.


  2. Awesome phone would I be able to use this on Sprint? If so I’ll be getting it

    1. Its an unlocked device so likely GSM only which means at&t or t-mobile only.

      1. Unless you are a Nexus 5

        1. Nexus 5 powaaahhh

        2. “so L̲I̲K̲E̲L̲Y̲ gsm only”

          1. no, definitely GSM only

      2. That’s correct. This is a GSM only phone.

  3. I wish it had a snapdragon 800. My current phone has a 600 so I’ll need at least an 800 to upgrade to something.

    1. If it is smooth and flies through everything why does it matter?

      1. have you played any latest games, it doesn’t

        1. Oh you’ve used the phone to see how it handles games?

          1. you guys dumb or something? s600 is not a new chip… ofcourse I tried it… seriously man, think before you talk.

          2. Every phone handles a chip differently. No need to get all defensive. You have no idea how this will handle games.

          3. Are you dumb or something? The Snapdragon 600 was unveiled to the public only this year (2013). It’s not like it’s a Pentium 4. Seriously man, think before you talk.
            Also, unless you are a member of the tech media (like the Phandroid staff) or are an Oppo employee, you couldn’t possibly have “tried it” since the N1 isn’t for sale yet. Anywhere. Good try though.

          4. He thinks just because it has a s600 chip, that it automatically has to perform the same as other phones with the same chip.

          5. I’m sure my Xperia Z handles the chip better. Sony’s UI is one of the most light weight on android. ;)

          6. But doesn’t the Z have the S4 Pro?

          7. Kids these days need some serious grammatical comprehension. When did I say that it’s not released this year. WHEN? WHEN? exactly.

        2. Have you? I’ve been playing Riptide G2 all day with my son… works great!

          1. Try Dead on Arrival on Ultra setting.. riptide…. i mean good night

      2. Here is my story. I work for a carrier (T-Mobile USA) so I get phones pretty cheap. Since I work in the field I buy new phones all the time for fun. I’m addicted to flashing custom roms to my phone. I bought a T-Mobile Xperia Z because I wanted to enjoy a waterproof device. (I do every day!) but T-Mobile locked the bootloader so i can’t do anything fun with it. So I’ve been looking for a phone that WILL let me flash custom roms. My favorite rom is the pacman rom. I’ll probably buy an Xperia Z ultra from sony because then I can unlock the bootloader and get the rom I want.

        1. T-Mobile doesn’t give phone subsidies to employees.

          1. wrong again son

  4. Where in the world did he get this device to test so early?!?

  5. 213g? size and weight puts this on par with the htc one max

  6. Beautiful phone, great idea with the camera. Specs are pretty damn good as well. The only problem I see is no LTE. It has the radios for both AT&T & T-Mobile’s HSPA+ but no LTE unless it just isn’t listed. I get very fast HSPA+ where I live on both Carriers so I would not let that deter me from jumping on that phone. Love the design, The more I look at it and watch that camera flip back and forth, the more I must have it.

  7. DAT battery!.. anyway

    It’s no Nexus ;)

    1. That battery life is pretty stellar so far…I’ve only had it a day though. I can’t fully comment on it for a while still.

  8. No LTE confirmed on their user forum webpage. Not that big of a deal for me, 2 years on a Galaxy Note 1 w/o LTE. I don’t use data that much anyway. The camera on the other hand & the display, along with CM might just sway me. 6 element 2.0 lens. Good time to be in the market for a new device. Nothing really wrong with my note1, but there are now multiple 5+ inch screen devices to choose from.

    1. I’m trying to decide if I want a note lll or the Xperia Z ultra.

  9. It’s hard to tell from a video but that screen looks absolutely gorgeous.

  10. This phone doesn’t have CM yet. I should get that in about a week or more. When I do, I’ll review it again or add it to the review. Either way I can already tell that with CM this thing is going to be amazing.

  11. Sony Ericsson had a flip phone with a camera like that a few years ago

  12. looks really good but after recently becoming a Galaxy xxxxx convert (note 3) theirs no way im ever buying a phone without a removable back. I have been using a nexus since the start, and every time my battery was running out i would plug it in to the nearest socket (if available) than i would use my phone next to the charger, but being able to go from 2% battery to 100 in like a minute (anywhere) is the most awesome thing ever.

    1. Agreed. I am at a loss as to why more and more manufacturers no longer give us devices with removable batteries and SD slots.

      1. Built-in batteries allows for smaller and thinner phones. SD cards can be slow for file transfer. People prefer design over efficiency. Apple proves that with it’s design and OS.

        1. People don’t prefer it. It gets shoved down our throats. I don’t remember anyone ever saying their phone is better because it’s thinner.. Ever. I do remember them complaining about their phone dying tho..

          1. No people do prefer it. Remember the razor flip phone? Or tablets? Computers? Mp3 players?

          2. Iphone users did complain that it was too light and thin last year with the iPhone 5 lol,

          3. ^
            What he said

        2. I don’t care much about the Micro Sd slot, i recently had a SD card in my camera that went corrupt and lost some of my photos so i don’t trust them enough to store important data, but they are great to have just in-case. The battery swapping is the most amazing thing ever though, i don’t need to have my phone on the charger at all, i usually just throw in my spare into the external Samsung charging kit while im free to use my phone with the original battery, if that battery gets too low i just do a quick swap, and since the Note 3 is like the fastest booting phone on the market it only takes a few seconds. Really comes in handy since i leave home early in the morning, go to school, than straight to work until 11 pm, every phone i have had until now would usually die out by 6pm. Its a feature i thought i dint need but now must have lol

          1. buy better quality sd cards.. it happens to poor/or sometimes fake sd cards

        3. I work as t-mobile tech support. If I had a dollar for every ios customer that b*tched at me about their battery life I’d be a rich man. Oh man. If only you apple fanboys could live in our shoes.

          1. Hey I’m a nexus 5 owner on T-Mobile. I was just expressing my opinion on why manufacturers have moved away from efficiency. Although it looks like they are starting to optimize but SD cards and removable batteries take away from that.

      2. That’s why I instead opted for the Xperia ZR instead of the Z because removable battery.


    1. I got about 3/4 of the video window.

    2. The site is piss poor, I asked Chavez about some refinements and made some suggestions and he told me to “suck a fat one” and dismissed our conversation.. Please support me in my boycott of Phandroid by signing up at http://www.mcdonalds.com

      1. I agree with both of you. There is no way to put it frankly. The mobile site sucks and looks like it’s from 2008. Let’s fix this. By the powers in me, I shall make this one of my goals to have a fully functional mobile site.

        1. the app works fine for me, the only bad thing is if its a non-youtube video it won’t even appear and sometimes the youtube videos are embeded wrong. Everything else is great. I would love an offline mode though.

        2. Will the Phandroid app get a cards style makeover?

          1. The new app should be out soon. It’s awesome. #holoyolocards.

            (Sent from said new awesome app.)

          2. Can you give an ETA?

      2. I went to mcdonalds.com but I can’t find a signup button anywhere. What am I doing wrong?

  14. Imo this phone looks more appealing than the nexus 5, bigger screen, better battery and camera. I know the processor is a bit dated, but it’s more powerful than my new Nexus 7, and it can run anything I throw at it so far so I don’t think it would be a problem.

  15. I like it, would’ve been better with the 800 though.

  16. Specs include “WCDMA: 850/900/1700/1900/2100MHz”
    Dare I speculate it could work on Verizon’s network? Even better still, StraightTalk’s, $45 unlimited month to month over Verizon’s network!

    1. Hold up.. I never heard of this plan.. Unlimited what exactly?

      1. I hope that you found my reply above regarding the ST month to month plan. After getting a good deal on a Vz CDMA 4G LTE device (Droid MAXX HD), I called ST to port my # to this new device, 20 mins and multiple transfers later I find that they do not support ANY Vz LTE capable devices. The only 4G LTE support is for the AT&T GSM network – which I’m leery of given past experiences so now I’m thinking about a new carrier…

    2. No. WCDMA is not “CDMA”. This is a GSM only phone.

      1. Mark – WalMart sells Straight Talk month to month wireless plans; either GSM (AT&T) or CDMA (Verizon) with a $15 activation (SIM or Flash) then $45 month for unlimited talk, text and data (but only the first 2.5 GB at full 3/4G speed, depending on device capability) however NO Tethering. BYOD or buy a device from them. CR rated highest customer service of any carrier. Been using it with a Vz Droid Incredible I had laying around for the past 4 months without much issue but looking for an updated device. Need to remember what date it expires or they deactivate (no reminders); likely going to sign up for auto-pay to avoid that hassle…
        Thanks Derek for the clarification on WCDMA not being same as CDMA. :-(

        1. Not all PHONES isn’t compatible with VERIZON CDMA phones. Do some more research before posting any frequencies. you have to go to straight talk site to see what CDMA phone is compatible with S.T.

          1. Ummmm – the frequencies I quoted came right from this very post. Rather than being quick to chastise someone, maybe you would be well served to carefully read the post and notice the quotation marks used in my comment.
            FYI – not all supported devices are listed on the ST site, better advice is to CALL their support; mine is not listed on the site but support advised that it could be used and was activated without issue.

  17. Anyone know if the Nexus 5 ended up getting native USB OTG support?

    1. it have usb OTG

      1. Does it have to be enabled manuually?

  18. I want to see a side by side comparison with N5. Now I’m thorn between the two.

  19. Really like the look of this device, hope it comes to the UK!

  20. Not a bad looking device like the idea u can flip the cam to the front.

  21. love what they’re attempting with this phone! the hardware numbers game has plateaued and its going to take unique functionality and software for a phone to separate itself from the competition.

    i anticipate the full review.

  22. How much is it and will there be an lte version? No lte I will just stick with an off contract note 3 or the n5. Unless it is priced at or below the 16gb n5. If the price was mentioned in video sorry, I can’t view the video.

  23. FInally….. Innovation!!!!!!!! I would totally get this phone if only I hadn’t already ordered the nexus 5, but this is the first manufacturer skin I’ve seen that is actually clean and beautiful.

  24. Good to see the rotating camera come back.. I loved it on my LG CU500.

  25. I bump at the top front? I like my phone flat all over.

  26. Interesting device. Coolest thing about it is, the accessory is called the “O Click”!…LOL…Sorry, but I couldn’t stop laughing after hearing that.

  27. I had a samsung phone with a rotating camera,

  28. Yeah…still waiting in that review.

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