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Mobile Roar Podcast: Chris buys an iPhone, iPhone 5s lightning review, never mix urine with bleach

In this week’s Mobile Roar podcast, we talk about Microsoft’s cool new “Cortana” virtual assistant that could be making its way to Windows Phone, Kevin gives his thoughts on the iPhone 5s, Edgar reminds us the dangers of mixing bleach with urine, and we take a break from tech news to talk briefly about Burger King’s new Satisfries. Yes, those are a thing. Of course, there’s loads of Android news as well, so take a load off and have a listen.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Follow us on Twitter and send us your comments or questions to podcast[at]mobileroar[dot]com.

Joe Fedewa (@jayzeroeee) –
Chris Chavez (@GamerCore) –
Kevin Krause (@youdontknowkev) –
Edgar Cervantes (@Tech_EC) –


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