
Motorola: A Google Company — new branding unveiled


motorola logo a google company

Now that Motorola has cleared its pipeline of DROIDs and other projects Google didn’t like, the company has been hard at work trying to please the software giant which bought it for $12.5 billion. Alongside the ongoing development of the Moto X, the company has also taken another step to profess its love for being owned by Google: new branding. Motorola unveiled a new multi-colored logo with the following subtext: “motorola: a Google company.”

The logo and branding simply oozes Google, a company known to be quite simple, minimalistic and elegant in its approach. It’s hard to imagine how this new branding will transcend into Motorola’s advertising and other aspects of its image, but we definitely feel a nice, breezy change in the wind with this early first step. Now, how about that X phone?


[Techweek via The Verge]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. wtb details. pst

  2. love it

    1. Me too. :D

        1. Four :D

          1. first?

          2. ArmageddonX is first. You’re Five…

          3. Last time I said this I got lots of thumbs downs.

          4. Um me six :-)

          5. Meee Seven %)

          6. THIRTH! THIRTH!!!!!

          7. C-C-COMBO BREAKER

          8. LMAO! Ah man, that Bane video was freekin hilarious.

    2. Meee seven…

    3. Dunno. I’ll always be for holographic 3D rendered rotating logos in 16 million colors. That, until someone comes up with a 4D logo.

    4. As do I!

      Simple, clean, elegant, modern….it’s beautiful in every way.

  3. I can dig it brah, but the suit and tie goes well on me

  4. I definitely like the new logo. Lets see if the phones will now match the quality that nexus phones are known for. I have to say that the new htc one and gs4 google edition phones really look nice. Too bad they don’t work for cdma networks.

    1. Google knows best!

      1. Far from it.

  5. Noooo! Motorola has been googlized!

    1. Resistance to the Googleverse is futile.

      1. Come to the dark side, we have cookies.

        1. Can I haz cookies?

        2. How about jellybeans?

        3. We also have ice cream and pie

        4. and key lime pie? Oh please, oh please, oh please???

  6. Pinch from amoled color, nice!

  7. I don’t know about that. Isn’t it only Motorola Mobility that Google bought? Do they have right to make something like this? Could be fake.

    1. Its Google. They can do whatever they want. And yes they only bought half the company. Motorola Solutions is still independent.

      1. i always wondered why they didn’t buy all of Motorola, then put Google TV on all Motorola cable set-top boxes. Then the Nexus Q would have been pure sex if Mototola made it and cable providers picked it up. And considering Google is 100% about getting the internet, in as many peoples hands, in as many ways, as possible, that would have been such a huge move.

        food for thought I suppose…

        1. The cable box division was part of Mobility, Google sold it off.

        2. Motorola is big in comm equipment. Exactly why years ago Sony couldn’t buy whole Ericsson, but only the cell phone part of it. In my home country 80% of cell towers were Ericsson’s. And same with Fujitsu, who could never afford by the entire Siemens, but only laptop part of it.

  8. Make a GSM version!

  9. New Moto branding. Same Moto specs. :/

    1. Hopefully there will be MOTO nothing.

  10. The off-centeredness of the subtext irks me.

  11. now if goog would snap up htc and neuter them as well, so tired of crappy phones

  12. hi like

  13. Our company shoots video content for websites and social media. With Techweek upon us
    I felt it was perfect timing to create such content.

  14. Please contact us at [email protected] or check out of website Thank you.

  15. I liked the red.

  16. I got a hot/cold tumbler with the new logo this past week at Techweek.

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