
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini pictured in the wild again, shows off removable battery cover


Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini weibo 1

Just because Samsung has been quiet on a “Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini,” doesn’t mean there isn’t enough evidence to suggest its imminent arrival. We’ve gotten some leaked photos of the device back in March and over the weekend a user from the Chinese blogging site Weibo is supplying the latest round of photos, giving us yet another good look at the device and its removable battery cover.

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini weibo 4

In the pictures, the device is compared to the Samsung Galaxy S3, where we get a better feel for its diminutive size. Still, it would be odd to give the device a “4” distinction in its title when this is essentially a mid-range device. Rumored to be packing a 4.3-inch display, dual-core CPU, and 8MP camera, we can’t help but wonder if Samsung could have hit one out of the ballpark if they simply packed the same internal hardware of the Galaxy S4, only in a much smaller form factor. Right now, it seems they could be simply banking on word/number associations to dupe unknowing consumers although nothing is confirmed.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini

Anyone out there interested in this little fella, or does bigger (specs, display) translate to better for you?

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I have pre-ordered the s4 for Verizon, but if this had the same (or even similar) specs, I would have gone with it instead. I would much rather have a phone that has closer to a 4 inch screen than a 5 inch screen.

    1. The 1st ANDROID manufacturer that packs the latest tech in a broader-appealing 4″-4.5″ range will have a hit on their hands.
      Why it’s an either/or situation is absurd & continuing to miss on this will continue to steer those who might try an ANDROID device for the 1st time to opt for the i-Phone or a WINDOWS phone once again & potentially losing that customer for another 2 yrs.

      1. I guess the main issue would probably end up being either cooling or battery capacity issues. You’re gonna run into either it’s gonna have to be underclocked to not overheat, and or you’re gonna have a 1200maH battery in there. Although I think it is a bit ridiculous that they can’t put a decent processor in there like the S4 or something.

        1. I was thinking the same thing regarding battery capacity.A phone in the 4″-4.5″ range could have a bit of added thickness to accommodate a larger battery & still have a decent,if not better,feel-in hand.
          Give consumers the choice as MOTOROLA did w/the DROID RAZR line,throw in 64 GB memory & 2GB RAM & EVERYONE WINS.

      2. Sony did this with their Z/ZL line into their ZR.

      3. Out of curiosity, what makes you think 4 to 4.5″ is “broader appealing”?

        1. I’m just saying why put the high-end specs on the larger-screen phones exclusively? Not everyone wants a 5″+ screened phone.
          Take a look @ the best-selling phone in the world. Put better internals inside w/the ANDROID O/S & I’m guessing you’ll get enough converts to justify producing such a phone.

          1. And you think it’s the best selling in the world because of smaller screen size, as opposed to marketing?

            I’m sorry, but Samsung is closing on the iphone rapidly, and Samsung is becoming known for, amongst other things, larger screen size.

            So with that , along with the Nexus line and One series, I would put forth that 4.6 to 5.5″ is actually broader appealing.

  2. The biggest constraint of mobile phones today is not the CPU, but the GPU and the RAM. The lower resolution displays require less GPU power, as they aren’t flinging as many pixels everywhere, and this doesn’t mention the RAM spec.

  3. So basically its what the S3 mini should of been.


  5. I hate the s3 cow-poo size feeling – the size is the only thing that keeps me with the s2, but i really want a faster phone. If the s4 mini turns out the way it seems, i’ll almost stand in line for it…

  6. Wonder what the price point will be? Might b my next phone!

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