
Download the first CyanogenMod 10.1 release candidate right now



The day has finally come, folks — CyanogenMod 10.1 has finally graduated to release candidate status. These releases aren’t seen as fully stable, but they should be good enough to be daily drivers and only rarely will you run into an experience-breaking bug. If you were looking for something close to stable but don’t mind waiting for the stable version itself then you’ll definitely want this.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Unfortunately not all previously supported CyanogenMod devices are supported yet, but that could change in the near future. The team mentioned this would probably the one of the last, if not the last, milestone releases ahead of a fully stable release, so we’re about as close as we’e going to get.

We imagine the team will want to quickly shift focus to whatever Google’s announcing at I/O next week, and you know we’ll be breathing down their necks to see what, exactly, their plans will be. Head to the CyanogenMod mirror and get your build of choice. Builds for the devices from the list below might not be up there immediately, but it shouldn’t take long for everything to get uploaded and propagated around the web. Get to it!

  • a700
  • captivatemtd
  • crespo
  • crespo4g
  • d2att
  • d2cri
  • d2mtr
  • d2spr
  • d2tmo
  • d2vzw
  • e975
  • endeavoru
  • epicmtd
  • galaxysmtd
  • grouper
  • hercules
  • i9100g
  • maguro
  • mako
  • manta
  • odroidu2
  • otter
  • otter2
  • p3100
  • p3110
  • p5100
  • p5110
  • p760
  • p880
  • p930
  • quincyatt
  • quincytmo
  • skyrocket
  • steelhead
  • su640
  • tf700t
  • tilapia
  • toro
  • toroplus
  • vs920

[via CyanogenMod]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Awesome, just when I flashed nightly build :)

  2. Here’s a couple bugs (as of RC1 & yesterday’s nightly) that still annoy me, at least on the AT&T SGS3 (d2att):
    1) HDMI out is still broken (after being fixed and broken twice in the past)
    2) Camera’s 720p & 1080p video preview always has an incorrect stretched aspect ratio until you toggle 720p/1080p once in settings, EACH time you use the camera for video.
    3) UI still sometimes flashes (especially keyboards)

    (One nice camera bug that was just fixed, though, is that thumbnails now show in the gallery if you change the storage location to external SD (from internal default))

    1. Have you been keeping up with the nightlies for a while now? I decided to give cm10.1 a try about a month ago and it was great except for any time I took a pic with the flash on, the picture came out with all these lines across it so I had to switch back to cleanrom. I’m on Verizon but did the att version ever suffer this problem too, and has it been fixed?

      1. Never heard of such a problem with the camera, and I’ve heard a lot :)

        1. Hmm, guess I’ll give it a try. I was on a nightly that came out maybe a week before the last M release

  3. I never liked incomplete buggy cyanogen ROMs.

    1. They’ve done a good job on the Nexus 4, most of the nightlys I’ve used weren’t buggy, when there was a bug they fixed it soon after.

      1. That’s probably because it’s already an AOSP device.

        1. I see! Is that why there are so many ROMs for this phone?

    2. Yeah, I always try to find AOSP/AOSPA stuff. CM has been buggy for me as of the last year or so.

  4. no HTC sensation love? :-/

    1. Those were my thoughts.. no pyramid love :(

  5. What??!?

    No m7??

    Feh, I say. Feh…/s

    1. What….?

      1. AOSP Roms are released by “codename”. The Nexus 10 being “manta”, VZW Galaxy Nexus being “toro” and so on.

        M7 is the codename for the HTC One.

        The post was tongue-in-cheek, suggesting shock at the lack of inclusion of a device released not more than two weeks ago in a stable RC….

        1. I meant more the feh comment but anyway.

          1. Oh, wow, Ok. Sorry.

            Say it out loud with derision. More than once if necessary. You’ll get it. ;-)

          2. I still don’t get it haha.

          3. Well, when all else fials:



          4. What a stupid word. Also, you failed spelling fails.

  6. No love for pyramid? :(

    They got i9100g covered though…

  7. Yes, d2mtr metropcs s3. It feels good to have official cm support finally on a metro phone

  8. WHAT? They still will have an official build for the OG Kindle Fire? I will check this out for that device then.

    1. Yep. I’m still using twa_priv’s CM-based ROM though on my OG Fire, which has a few more features like tablet mode.

      cm10 changelog:

      1. I have been using twa_priv’s ROM as well, but I’ve still been having that backlight problem with it. I just saw that there is a 5/5 update, so I will flash that, and then reflash the custom kernel. Maybe he’ll integrate the 10.1RC changes shortly.

  9. Still using CM 10 on my Hercules. I am going to wait till next week to see how stable it really is.

  10. wtb sensation port

  11. Will this work on the HTC One X+ endeavour C2?

  12. Love CyanogenMod BUT this 10.1 “stable” release is not so stable…actually it’s nit working on my GSM Galaxy Nexus and i gotta say I’m very surprised. I’ve downloaded each & every nightly update of CM10.1 and every single version has worked perfectly but then today to go and install this 10.1 stable RC and all it does is continue to Force Close…the exact error is “google..gapps..forced…close” over and over again. Flashed back to the 5/9 release version but i hope they fix this soon. Please let me know if any change logs come out so I can re-download.

  13. Just flashed the rom now the phone is nearly useless. no contacts, no google services, misc problems….wow. what a complete and utter screw up!

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