HTC One X could be receiving Android 4.2.2 in addition to Sense 5


When it comes to Android firmware upgrades, it’s not uncommon for an Android manufacturer to put some of their older devices on the back burner while a newly released flagship steals their focus. Often times a new phone will launch with the latest version of Android (or at least within the general firmware version) while older devices wait for months for carriers to put the software update through the long process of testing. HTC has been notoriously victimized of this in the past with AT&T HTC One X receiving Jelly Bean several months after its international counterpart.

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Well, according to HTC leakster @LlabTooFeR, it looks like HTC isn’t quite ready to quit the international One X just yet. Apparently, in addition to the confirmed Sense 5 upgrade, Android 4.2.2 could also be coming along for the ride. He believes a possible time frame for the could be around June/July and before my man, BigCiX, get’s too excited, keep in mind that this update is for the international version — not the dual-core Snapdragon S4 variant (Ville) like we have in the states. Of course, this doesn’t mean a US update is completely out of the question. Actually, it makes it a little more likely. We just know how long it takes for these updates to get the green light on AT&T. We’ll keep a look out though.

Thanks, Da_Jorge!

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Of course, CyanogenMod is always an option for those wanting CM 4.2.2 today :-) *shameless plug*

    1. Well, yeah… THAT. The only problem is there’s no way my mom is going to figure out how to install CM10 on her One X :p

      1. Just tell her to unlock the bootloaders, fastboot flash a custom recovery, and then flash a custom ROM through recovery mode… oh, I see your point.

        1. DO it for her? and disable root? :P

      2. what say you about my comment chris? u agree right?

    2. No. CM is NOT an option. AOSP doesn’t run so great on my E4GT and it never really did. I mean for me at least. I use my camera more than most. And also I had the issue where my sound wouldn’t get louder than 50% even though the volume was at max. I couldn’t have that. I wanna be deaf when I get older. LoL!!

      The small things were what made me go back to TouchWiz ROMs. I can see why people used it though. It was alright, but didn’t tailor to me.

      Although I do miss the “Outside Mode” that alterted my screen saturation and made it all bright and stuff.

      And the E4GT had HORRIBLE GPS on AOSP. ALWAYS!! My gosh!! I don’t think so.

      But this is why I said, “for me”. Different people need different stuff.

  2. This doesnt make any SENSE, how the hell they gonna ship their flagship phone with sense 5 and 4.1.1 but upgrade the older phone to sense 5 and 4.2.2….dafuq HTC

    1. They’ve had more time to play with the One X.

      Anyway, it’s good to see the One X still feeling the love. I’m sure the new One will get the same sort of attention soon enough.

      1. I’m happy to see the 4.2 update is coming.

        But the tone seems to imply I should forget about official Android 5.0 KLP.

        It’s prime rival the GS3 however is promised to get KLP. So yeah, nice to not be abandoned for 4.2, but Samsung is doing better.

      2. dude seriously? that doesnt make sense either, theyve built the HTC One off of the success of the whole One series, wheres the logic in you saying that? there should be no question that they put 4.2 on their latest n greatest. like i said it just doesnt make sense

    2. I think both phones will get 4.2.2 and sense 5. Probably the one will get it first soon after launch.

  3. They better update last year’s One models (Maybe not the SV)… There is no reason not to, because the hardware is adequate enough to handle Sense 5 and 4.2.2

  4. OK Chris……..nice April Fools joke. Now keep it real with the people and post that this was all a joke.

  5. Chris, S4 One X is Evita not Ville

  6. The Ville is the One S, the dual core version you have in the states is called the Evita.

  7. So same things for One X + along with One X. Right ?

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