
SwiftKey Flow update brings long list of bug fixes


SwiftKey Flow is still in beta, but the folks at SwiftKey aren’t using that as an excuse not to introduce timely and numerous bug fixes. The latest upgrade — which brings the alternate keyboard up to version — introduces a huge list of bug fixes and changes. To name a few, you can expect the addition of a Turkish keyboard layout, a new installer to match the look of the rest of the app, better correction for Vietnamese words, a fix for Chrome Beta, better punctuation for non-English languages, and more.

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Take a look at the full list of changes below to see if anything that has been bothering you has been fixed. That said, you can always expect a small list of known issues that the team is still figuring out. SwiftKey’s todo list includes fixing the comma key on Arabic keyboards, fixing a blank list of predictions when switching between languages, fixing the bad-looking “no SD card” ribbon on low-end devices, fixing a crash that occurs when looking at the heatmap directly after using the alternative symbols layout, and more.

There may be more bugs hiding throughout the app, of course, but that’s the nature of a beta. As a tester, you should do everything in your power to report those bugs to make sure we all get the best experience possible once it launches in the Google Play Store. You can grab the latest version for tablets and phones from SwiftKey’s website if you want in on the next big thing in trace typing.

Changes in this version:

* Fixed crash on changing keyboards
* Fixed force close on clicking update language
* Fixed other crashes
* Resolved majority of non-English punctuation problems
* New look installer to match SwiftKey Flow colors and include an introduction to SwiftKey Flow
* Added Turkish layout
* Chrome Beta should now behave like Chrome
* Snap and tap (correction of words) now compatible with Vietnamese
* Memory usage of settings app reduced
* Improved handling of non-zero length selection in Chrome and Samsung mail client
* Fixed jumping cursor in ExDialler and Samsung calculator
* Microphone key disabled in fields that don’t support voice input
* Fix for keyboard disappearing when phone build installed on tablet sized devices
* Disabled predictions in Kingsoft Office and UC browser to make SK usable in them
* Double space for period turned off by default to prevent accidental period insertion when flowing
* Replaced ‘learnt’ with ‘learned’ in personalization page (US English)
* Turned off slide down from candidate bar to close keyboard when flow is on (to be consistent with the description in the Settings menu)

Known Issues:

* Crashes when looking at the heatmap if you visit immediately after using the alternative symbols layout
* Comma key on Arabic keyboard inserts western comma
* Predictions sometimes blank when switching between languages
* Flowing words sometimes results in surprising capitalizations
* “No SD card” ribbon looks bad on low end devices

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I LOVE swiftkey but Flow drove me back to Swype due to the MANY words that Flow cannot complete without far too much effort compared with Swype.

    1. Flow just doesn’t have the swipeable vocabulary. It seems like I was having to stop and correct after nearly every word, Sad.

      1. Neither is perfect BUT there were simply too many words where Flow just couldn’t pull them off and I had to type them out. They were COMMON words! I think unless they dramatically improve it they are just driving users to go back to Swype. That is what I did! LOL!

        1. I can’t agree more with you guys… I really want this to be good, but I lost count on how many nonsensical emails and texts, etc that I’ve sent because flow just doesn’t get did right.

  2. Is the “normal” Swiftkey 3 qualified for Swiftkey Flow or does SK Flow require the purchase of a separate license? Are there separate licensed for phone and tablet?

    1. They are separate. The one Beta is free though.

    2. Affirmative to all your questions. It’s different license from standard swiftkey and there are separated downloads for phone and tablet (don’t know about final licensing after they leave beta).

      1. So This makes FOUR licenses? (Normal, Flow) x (Phone, Tablet) ?
        Assuming $4 per program, this makes $16 total? How many license combinations are there? I hope the normal Swiftkey license will not be split into more license modes: offline, WiFi, mobile network, in washroom, in car, etc.

  3. My Flow beta expired and stopped working. It was okay, but I don’t miss it.

  4. It’s no longer so sluggish on my GNex, yay. I can finally use Google Now and type addresses in Chrome without having to wait for 10+ seconds after the first couple of keystrokes. I sure hope this isn’t just a new update placebo and that it won’t go back to being sluggish after extended use. It’s still marginally slower than the stock but that appears to be because of the suggestions it comes up with as the stock keyboard doesn’t suggest anything in search boxes or address bars.

  5. I have to say, I’m not loving this.
    Maybe many bugs got fixed. But many remain.
    Most annoying is that many times keyboard opens but what you type doesn’t appear in the text box in question… Get’s me frustrated very fast and gets me back to swype, still the best of it’s kind.

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