
Galaxy Note 8.0 pictured for the first time


Plenty of Samsung Galaxy note 8.0 rumors have been making the rounds ahead of Mobile World Congress, The device has been more or less confirmed to debut at the show, but up until now all has been talk. This first look puts a face to the rumors, and it’s not a bad looking face.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The Note 8.0 looks to take Samsung’s nature-inspired design found in the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 and blow it up a few inches. The rounded shape certainly won’t be confused with an iPad mini, — the back of the slate looks more like a stretched out version of the Note.

This image appears to come from some sort of catalog listing, which is a bit curious considering the tablet isn’t supposed to be unveiled for almost a month. Along with the image comes a list of specs reiterating what we have heard before: 8-inch 1280×800 display, 16GB internal storage, 5MP camera, quad-core 1.6GHz processing, and 2GB RAM.

The Note 8.0 could be one of the last devices we see using Samsung’s current-gen design language. The launch of the Galaxy S4 will likely define a new look for Samsung’s remaining 2013 models.

[Twitter via UnwiredView]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Ahhh love samsung.

  2. I’m going to go ahead and call fake now. This is what Jelly Bean on a Galaxy Tab now looks like, and there would be no reason for that little earpiece on the tablet.

    1. Was gonna point I this out but I see you already caught it. Plus, where would the Spen go?

  3. I’m sorry, but Samsung makes uglier and uglier devices, it’s becoming the worst from the big 5. And I liked the GS II, GT 7.7, GNex… this looks terrible IMHO. Looking forward to other 2013 devices, I bet the other 4 companies will cut a big slice of Samsung’s pie this year.

    1. ok “Jan”.

    2. I bet they won’t ;)

  4. OK. I’m a huge Samsung fan, but this is kind of ridiculous. This looks like a cross between a GS3 and an iPad…

    Please don’t do this to the Tab 3.

  5. 1280X800? No way

    1. I went and looked at the Note 10.1 this past weekend and was surprised at how good the screen looked after hearing how it was terrible compared to the screen on the Infinity. I didn’t have them side by side but I almost want to say that the colors looked better on the Samsung than on my Infinity.

      I know I’ll get downranked into oblivion and I’m not saying in any way that a high res would be better but i think color reproduction is vastly more important. The screen when compared to the TF300 looked worlds better.

      1. You’re right and the 10.1 runs so much smoother than the Infinity. Even the gallery app stutters like a dog on the Infinity. Im guessing those that tear down the 10.1 for the resolution alone have never used one. The overall user experience is far superior to the Infinity despite the lower resolution. Thats why I love the Galaxy note 2. Never the slightest hesitation.

        1. My comments were soley on the screen. The infinity is a good screen comparison (as far as the resolution being way better than the note), but I wouldnt own it based on the performance issues you mentioned (and I have witnessed first hand). I would like to get a look at a nexus 10 to see if its a more complete package, but who knows if thatll happen.

  6. I think its a fake! No camera flash or indent for the stylus!

    1. you can see the stylus in the bottom left corner, which is where you would find it on the note 2 if you flipped it over. and I can’t recall ever seeing a tablet with a flash/camera combo


  8. It might be the perfect size for me. The Nexus is too small for me to see without my glasses.

  9. Thank God its not as ugly as the Nexus 10

  10. such an ugly b**ch

  11. This has to fake as stated before why does it have a speaker/earpiece grill, not s- pen and why does it show a phone app on the screen and I’m also almost certain Samsung is going to be putting front facing speakers on it like they have on most tablets and media players.

  12. I use the split screen feature on my note 2 a lot it would be nice to have it on a 8in tab

  13. If the Note 8.0 has a eight inch screen, why does the Note 2 have a 5.5 inch screen? Also, what will Google’s next 7 inch tablet be called? Or Google make an eight inch tablet and call it the Nexus 8?

    My point being that putting the screen size in the product’s name will only make for a confusing product line.

  14. Awesome! I will get it, when is it coming out?

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