
Phandroid is Live at CES 2013!


The madness has officially begun! CES 2013 is underway and the first stop was CES unveiled at Mandelay Bay Convention Center. Reporting live this year (from left to right) are Edgar Cervantes, Kevin Krause, Rob Jackson, and Chris Chavez. Be sure to follow all of our exclusive CES 2013 coverage by visiting our

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Our second stop was the Toshiba party on the tippy top 64th floor of the Mandelay Bay Hotel. Pretty swanky: here is the view from the top:

And right now we’re live at the NVIDIA Press Conference.

Wondering where the beloved Quentyn Kennemer is? He’s holding down the fort from home this year, making sure while we’re running around like robots with our fuses cut off, Phandroid is up to date with the breaking news you guys keep refreshing for.

We’ve already got a bunch of great swag and I’ll be collecting all of the swag I get from this year’s CES and giving it away in a swag bag contest. The contest will give those who follow our coverage a better shot, but you’re reading every word and watching every video anyways, right?

Cheers to an awesome year of tech at CES 2013 and we hope you enjoy our coverage!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Live: Watch NVIDIA’s CES 2013 press conference

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NVIDIA details Tegra 4 platform at CES 2013

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  1. Good luck! Wish I could be there. Have my pass but couldn’t get time off work :(

  2. Fantastic picture guys! have fun, I look forward to all of the news and device info!

  3. Sexy bitches !! ;) Especially Edgar, he’s my new man crush. Sorry Chris.

    1. It’s understandable.

  4. I should of had smashed my cans and recycled so I can afford to be there.

    1. *should’ve*


      1. #hashtagsareonlyfortwitter

        1. #dontforgetaboutinstagram

          1. #workswithgoogleplustoo

        2. Then why did you just use one on Phandroid? #:-)

  5. You guys could almost make The Princess Bride 2.

    1. Inconceivable !! :)

  6. Have an awesome trip guys! Keep us posted on ALL Things lol

    edit: lol looks like the Lord of the Rings crew.. you got the short hairy warrior, the midget, the wizard.. as for chris, not sure what he can be.

    1. he is cloud or squall hahaha

  7. Chris what jacket is that?! Also if your fuses were cu off you’d be dead!

    1. I got it at Zumiez in the mall. It’s Empyre :p

  8. Chris’ hair = amaaaaaazing

    1. meh :p

    2. square-enix design

  9. Enjoy yourselves guys & hope it is a success and don’t work to hard :~

    Now bring us back word of great things, all of you!
    (And have fun!)

  11. The level of estrogen flowing in these comments is alarming.

  12. Chris I so HATE you right now…….I want to be at CES (sad kitten face)

  13. That’s a shady looking crew right there. You better keep your passes in plain site at all time =P

  14. So which one of you is the president of your Lord of the Rings fan club? ;-P

  15. You all have perfect faces for blogging. Except for Chris. No homo.

  16. Edgar could have been one of the 13 dwarfs in The Hobbit

  17. gimli with his hammer ? ( the guy at the left)

  18. I think I’m a little jelly. I have off school and I want to be there! gaaaaaahhhhh!

    I my ex’s dad went there 2 or 3 years ago and I don’t know what he did there but he was unaware of any of the Android products when he got back… I was all “wwwhaaaatt?”

  19. Hold up… I thought that there was a black guy that was part of your team. SMH

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