
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals


Happy Thanksgiving, folks! By now you’re probably getting ready to scarf down delicious turkey, pies and everything in between, but don’t forget that tomorrow is the start of a big shopping weekend. Not only is Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, going down, but the money-throwing festivities will extend all the way through Monday (and, in special circumstances, beyond).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Folks looking for new smartphones, tablets and apps might want to keep in mind the various deals being offered throughout the weekend from all the major carriers and retailers. Sit back and read through this list of some of the hottest deals you can take advantage of to upgrade your mobile life.

Verizon Wireless

AT&T (in-store)

  • Motorola ATRIX HD for $.99
  • HTC One X for $.99
  • Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket for $.99
  • Refurbished phones starting at $.01

Sprint (in-store)

  • 16GB Samsung Galaxy S3 for $50
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus for $0
  • Samsung Galaxy Victory 4G LTE for $0

T-Mobile (value-plan pricing, post rebate)

US Cellular

How about games from the Google Play Store? You’re going to need something to do on all these phones with their powerful processors and gorgeous displays, so these special Black Friday deals will be there for you to take advantage of as soon as you turn your new device on and sign into the Play Store. Click through to check out each one:


And the deals don’t stop there: you’ll want to use some of the following apps to help you track down deals whether it be locally or online. You should be able to find some great gifts for yourself and loved ones with no issue no matter what type of gift it is thanks to the help these apps will provide. Download them to your arsenal and be sure to prepare for your early morning attack.

Be sure to give all of these a look, and if you have any more great deals not listed here we’d love to hear about them! Head to the comments section and help some of your comrades save a few dollars by letting us in on some of the juicier deals we may have missed. Also be sure to suggest more apps to help in everyone’s deal-hunting quest. Let the games begin, and enjoy the rest of your holiday!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Hi could you add some 3d tv specials that would b great thxs.

    1. How about this is android fan site stop being lazy and Google 3d tvs sales

      1. Ansel thanks for your answer and of course I have we are all looking for good prices everywhere however this is the reason of this article and this is why I love Phandroid they help you with your questions.
        I do remember back in March Chris published an article about a 46″ led lcd google tv with six pair of glasses it was less than 1,000 but I didn’t get it because I assumed I was going to be able to beat that on the black friday and here I am trying to do so.

        1. Sorry i woke uo very crancky hahahah. And not thinking about it i responded the way I did. But yeah i knew you probably meant google tvs.

          1. That’s ok dude no problema!

    2. Check out Amazon, Walmart, Newegg, Ebay…and believe it or not you can go to cnet…they have reviews and pricing for different retailers on several tvs.

      Edit: forgot about best buy…Happy Hunting!

      1. Thanks I appreciate your answer I have but I am still looking for the right one.
        Thanks again.

      2. thanks Bmg good look to you too.

        1. I meant Luck typo…!

  2. My dad was signing up with us cellular yesterday and they said to come back Monday to get the Samsung galaxy s3 for free, this was at a retail location in Iowa. even though the website says 200, they were offering it for 100 might be worth waiting, or call tomorrow if theyre willing to confirm Mondays price

  3. Galaxy S 3 for a buck at Sam’s Club…

    1. Do you know for which carrier they are doing this for?

      1. TMobile, VZW, Sprint, AT&T

      2. Sorry… believe it’s Verizon, AT&T and Sprint

  4. The only deal I want is a Nexus 4.

  5. You missed Asphalt 7:Heat for $.99 on the Play Store

    1. It has always been $0.99.. lol

  6. Happy Thanksgiving folks ;)

  7. The GS3 for Verizon is $125 if you are on a family plan. Which blows. Walmart has the GS3 for all carriers for $129 and you get a $100 gift card. So its basically $29. Thats the best Verizon GS3 I’ve seen.

  8. The T-mo prices are just the down payment; should really give the final total including the 20 months of remaining payments:

    Galaxy S3: $100 down (after $50 MIR), total $550
    Galaxy Note II: $200 down (after $50 MIR), total $700
    Galaxy S Blaze 4G: $0 down (after $50 MIR), total $350
    Galaxy S2: $0 down (after $100 MIR), total $700
    Galaxy S Relay 4G: $50 down (after $50 MIR), total $500
    Galaxy Exhibit 4G: $0 down (after $50 MIR), total $350
    Galaxy Tab 10.1: $100 down (after $100 MIR), total $500

    1. Of course the no-contract prices always stay the same whenever sales like this show up.

      1. In this case, though, T-mo is actively promoting the pricing based on their Value plans (the lower-priced, formerly-contract-free line). I’m on a Value plan and so an S3 would actually cost me $550 even though I’d only pay $100 (really $150) up front.

        It’s just a little misleading to say “hey, you can get this device for $X on a Value plan” when it doesn’t give you the true cost. People might not think about that $20/mo or so they’ll be paying to finish paying off the device. :)

        1. The way I see its kind of a lay-away plan but you get to use the item while you’re paying for it….I just don’t like how much they are charging for the Nexus 4. They are charging more then if you would just get it form the Play Store and I’m sure that a lot of people will fall that.

  9. Credo Mobile has all of their phones, including the S3, for free.

  10. I work at the phone kiosk inside Costco and just got word that we will have the S3 for at&t and verizon for $30 after $100 mail in rebate with free accessories

    1. How about T Mobile? A guy at costco advised me to wait until friday because it will be super cheap. Maybe it was you O.o

      1. Not sure about tmobile. I know last Friday and Saturday we had it for $30 for Magenta days so not sure. I’d come in and check it out though!

  11. N.O.V.A 3

    1. ^ its only for kindle

  12. There’s a new Ps3 bundle available at its a 250GB with 5 games (Infamous Collection and Uncharted Dual Pack) for 199.99!

    1. Where? I can’t find it. Sounds too good to be true.

        1. You’re right. Thanks for the link!

          1. Welcome!

  13. Sam’s Club has the GS3 for $0.96 for Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint.

  14. Android Tablets for as low as $67.99 through Strivetek. I purchased one a few weeks ago and love it. Ordering 3 more this evening as gifts.

  15. Android Tablets for as low as $67.99 through I purchased one a few
    weeks ago and love it. Ordering 3 more this evening as gifts.

  16. Anyone see any GS3 deals for a Verizon customer not eligible for an upgrade yet? I’d love to upgrade, but everywhere I’ve checked so far only offers me full retail, which sucks.

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