
Lookout 3.0 brings last-gasp “Signal Flare” feature for dying batteries


Lookout’s phone locator feature has always been something of dire importance for those who tend to lose their smartphones, but there are some obvious limitations. For one, that battery is bound to die at some point, or if someone happens to have stolen the device they may take the battery out before you can use Lookout’s location features.

Not only does this make locating a device impossible for those who had Lookout already installed, but it also makes it impossible for Lookout’s “Plan B” app to work. Well, Lookout has introduced a new feature in version 3.0 of its application that will hopefully be of use for those looking for that extra peace of mind they’re always looking for.

It’s called “Signal Flare” and it will automatically flag your phone’s last known location before the battery died and send it over to you. It won’t be as accurate as if your phone were still alive, but it’s a lot better than nothing.

Lookout 3.0 also includes a new look to conform with standard Android design philosophies, a new Activity Feed to see a rundown of how Lookout is protecting you, Safe Dialer to protect you against dialer-based attacks, and more.

The app is available in the Play Store, but some folks have been complaining about a lack of memory error despite being well over requirements. Try your hand at it, and we’ll see if we can get some insight from Lookout in the meantime. Read on for full press details.

The New Lookout Mobile Security App Does Even More to Protect your Phone

Signal Flare helps find lost phones even when batteries die


San Francisco, CA — October 9, 2012 — Lookout Inc., the mobile security leader, today announced the availability of the redesigned Lookout Mobile Security for Android. The new Lookout Mobile Security has a sleek design and smart additions, including an intelligent dashboard of mobile activity and protection, a way to locate a missing device with a dying battery, and protection against click-to-call threats, an emerging new mobile threat category. With more than 25 million users worldwide, Lookout protects mobile phones from threats like malware and spyware; backs up personal data and can find a lost or stolen phone.


“The mobile landscape has changed dramatically since we launched in 2007. Everything has evolved, from what we do on our phones to the threats that face them,” said Kevin Mahaffey, co-founder and CTO of Lookout.


“With the redesign of Lookout Mobile Security, we wanted to solve the problems facing people on mobile today and also stay ahead of the threats of tomorrow. We want people to feel empowered to do whatever on their mobile devices whenever – so as new services and capabilities come out, people can feel safe.”

What’s New with Lookout Mobile Security:


  • ·         Lookout’s New Look. The Lookout app takes advantage of the latest Android OS design conventions, making phone protection a seamless, consistent experience. The design is now more intuitive making it simple to access the features you want, stay informed and take action if there is a threat to your phone. Lightweight and mobile-optimized, the app keeps speed and battery life at the forefront.
  • ·         Protection at a Glance. The more you rely on your phone, the more you want to know what is happening on your device. To keep you informed, the app now has Activity Feed: a dashboard that displays of all the ways Lookout is protecting you. It intelligently categorizes updates, so with a quick glance, you can be notified of threats, app download history, data backups and security notifications.
  • ·         Lost Phone + Dead Battery = No Problem. Lookout locates thousands of phones everyday, but when a phone can’t be found, a dead battery is often the culprit. In fact, nearly 30 percent of people who reported they could not recover a lost or stolen phone said a dying battery was to blame[1]. To solve this problem, Lookout created Signal Flare, a first-ever capability that automatically flags the last location of a phone if it has a low battery. If you lose your phone after a battery has died, Signal Flare improves your chances of getting it back.
  • ·         Click-to-Call with Confidence. Lookout added Safe Dialer protection against dialer-based attacks, a new category of mobile threat. It scans every phone number you click to call from your mobile browser, alerting you if dialing the number might have unintended consequences, including wiping your phone without your permission.


Lookout Mobile Security for Android is available in Free and Premium versions. For more information, please visit theLookout blog or you can download the app.


About Lookout 

Lookout Inc. is a mobile security company dedicated to making the mobile experience safe for everyone. Lookout delivers award-winning protection from the growing threats facing mobile users today, including malware, phishing, privacy violations, data loss, and loss of the phone itself. Cross-platform, Lookout is designed from the ground up to provide advanced mobile protection while remaining lightweight and efficient on the phone. Lookout is the world leader in smartphone security with 25 million users across 400 mobile networks in 170 countries. Headquartered in San Francisco, Lookout is funded by Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Index Ventures, Khosla Ventures and Trilogy Equity Partners. Lookout is a 2012 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer company. For more information and to download Lookout Mobile Security, please visit
[1] Lookout commissioned Google Consumer Survey, September 21, 2012

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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    1. Nothing a little Ductape can’t fix.

    2. you can turn it off

      1. When your battery gets fried then it’s back to the Apple store with your Apple care BS.

        Android users fry their battery and they just replace the battery, if they want an extended battery, they get one.

        Android has choice

        1. I never said that I supported a non-removable battery……. I was saying an alternate for people getting battery pulled when their phone gets stolen.

  2. Ah the old “superglue your battery in” technique. But I do enjoy being able to swap out batteries on the go. Another reason I did not go with iPhone.

  3. HTC-heavy, battery life stinks
    Apple-king of the tiny screens
    Think I’ll just keep my phone in my pocket when im not using it

    1. Well said Apple had the best smartphones out there, when it comes to 3.5″ and 4″ screens. But that is 2009-2010 we are talking about that is any competition with innovationPhone. Sure the screen uses it’s retina display technology but what good is a super awesome ppi screen if it is in a 3.5/4″ phone

      That’s like saying that your 26″ TV is better than my 72″ because it has more ppi than mine has… At least I don’t have to squint when I look at my phone.

  4. what’s the use having virus protection on your phone…makes no sense…

  5. How many people use lookout? When I tried it all it did was slow my phone down and drain battery

  6. Already downloaded it yesterday, like the new look.

  7. how do i fidmy phone with out any apps i have the garmin phone

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