
TouchWiz Jelly Bean ROM ported to Verizon Galaxy S3


Folks who’ve been craving for jelly beans on their Verizon Galaxy S3 can now get it in TouchWiz form. A leak of Samsung’s TouchWiz-enabled Jelly Bean build from the T-Mobile Galaxy S3 has been ported over to Big Red’s.

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It does have a couple of bugs, but it’s nothing too severe. For starters GPS directions don’t work — we’re not sure if they mean turn-by-turn navigation or listed directions. Either way, it’s something you’ll want to check out for yourself if you plan on flashing it.

They’re also experiencing force closes when trying to set the home screen’s wallpaper using the long press method, but setting wallpapers from the gallery works just fine so this shouldn’t be a problem for anyone.

The name of this ROM is TouchMyBeans, and no matter how inappropriate its name may seem you’ll want to pay close attention to it anyway. Get it over at XDA. [Thanks Stephan!]

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. This ROM is based off of the real leak. You’re a bit late.

      1. Does that work for VZW? The XDA post seems to indicate TMo only.

        1. I’m running it on my GS3 right now. It still has T-Mobile apps and a few bugs, but its definitely good to try. I’ve been running Beta 2/3 for a few days now.

          1. When you flashed this, did you have any issues losing your IMEI? I have been hesitant to flash anything because of reading about this. Let me know, I wouldnt mind trying out this beta. I am on stock rooted TW Verizon Rom, rooted.

          2. I’ve read about people losing their IMEI as well. Honestly, I flash a lot. I haven’t had this problem yet. ::crosses fingers:: There are methods of backing it up on XDA if you want to be safe though.

          3. Just curious. Were you on stock TW rooted rom before flashing to the TMO to Verizon Port and then just did a CWM flash?

          4. I had it on stock rooted for about 1 hour after I bought the phone. it hasn’t been stock since. haha

          5. But I’ve went from stock and from AOKP to this ROM.

          6. Read this thread, it should calm your fears. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852255

  2. GPS directions not working. I’ll pass.

    1. There are some GPS fixes on XDA as well. Some people are claiming success. I haven’t tried as I’m headed to work.

  3. Just so everyone knows, Incubus26jc and Invisiblek on xda were the the ones who got the port to the state its in. Invisiblek got it booted and working, and Incubus26jc got it to the state its in.

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