
PCD Chaser heads to Virgin Mobile USA for $80


Virgin Mobile has announced availability of the PCD Chaser, a new budget smartphone for those who like living life without contracts. It’s unsurprisingly lacking in power, but what it’s missing in specs is made up for in its price. The device will cost just $80. Virgin is marketing this as a perfect phone for first-time smartphone owners, and I’d say that are right.

It features a 3.2 inch display, a 3 megapixel camera, an 800MHz processor, and Android 2.3 with Virgin Mobile ID (or Sprint ID if you’re not familiar).

It runs on Sprint’s network, of course, so you’ll be getting the same coverage as those who are on the Now Network. The phone is available now online, and if you’d rather wait for it to hit store shelves then September-October is the waiting period Virgin’s afforded to us.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. ha not gonna make on sales. since other low end phones dont get sold as much

  2. I’m surprised they still make low end android phones like this.

  3. welcome to the tinyurl.com/cyk9xz2

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