
Emoji support appears as add-on dictionary in Jelly Bean


You know what I can’t stand? People and their silly Emoji icons. As an Android user, I can’t read them. I feel left out. But Google has at last addressed the issue, and now I too can pester my friends with even the most random of emoticons. News comes by way of self-proclaimed Android enthusiast Randy Kelly, who recently stumbled upon an interesting addition to the add-on dictionary library for the default Android keyboard in Jelly Bean: “Emoji for English words.”

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Other users are reportedly seeing the same thing upon refreshing the dictionaries dialog (it can be found by going to “Language & input” under Settings and then clicking the icon next to “Android keyboard” and navigating to “Add-on dictionaries), but, alas, the ability to send and receive the cute smiley faces seems relegated to Jelly Bean device only. Attempting to refresh the dictionaries on a phone with ICS does not reveal Emoji support, and texting with a Jelly Bean device replaces the icons with blank messages.

To try them out for yourself try typing “smile,” “cloud,” or “diamond” when sending a message. The Emoji icon will appear as an autocomplete option. We’re unsure if Google plans to rollout support for older versions of Android, but you can rest assured knowing it will be in place moving forward.

[Screenshots courtesy of Steve Albright]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Thank you for this. I hate seeing those Boxes all the time ☺

  2. Doesn’t work for me.

    1. no worries, its useless anyway; compared to apps that are available in goog play ….thanks for the tip though Mr Krause

    2. How so? If you type “cloud” you dont see a cloud icon in the auto complete? Also you can go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoji (on your phone) to see what your computer dont see.

  3. Emoji transformed so many iphone users into 13 year old girls.

  4. When I go to Android keyboard settings, I’m not seeing the add-on dictionaries option :( Yes I’m on Jellybean

  5. I don’t see add dictionary either

  6. I noticed this a few days ago but I couldn’t figure out how to send them. I turned on my second language,Norwegian, also but I haven’t seen any difference. I’d rather Jelly Bean had built in group messaging instead really.

  7. I updated the keyboard. And can send out emoji but when I receive they still look like hieroglyphs

  8. I don’t have it. I’ve tried three different JB Roms that don’t as well. VZW Gnex.

  9. Here is an app I made for emoticons (text based rather than pictures). I honestly feel like this is the best of its kind.

    It is a paid ($1) app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.feztheforeigner.theemotappii

    Sorry for the advertisement, I just felt that it applied…

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