
By the way, have you seen the new /r/Android?


For those of you who frequent Reddit but haven’t been to /r/Android in the past week or so, listen up: it’s gotten a brand new redesign. While the old /r/Android had minor theme work done to it (green hues and an Android logo), the redesigned sub-reddit now mimics the Ice Cream Sandwich/Jelly Bean user interface in things like tabs, the settings/preferences button, and more. Now if only we could get Reddit to make an actual Android application… [/r/Android]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Nice!

  2. Yep, saw it, but full disclosure, that’s because our piece over the weekend over Apple bunching Sammy with pirates, thieves and counterfeiters was #1 for quite a few hours and in the top 10 for over a day.

    Anyhoo, while we’re on the topic, what app do you guys use to stay tuned with Reddit? (I personally use Reddit Sync)

    1. Have ICS? I like Reddit New the best…

      Otherwise, Baconreader.

    2. Bought Reddit Sync over Reddit News just recently. Sync just has a smoother navigation system and is overall smooth in everything except replying to a comment. Reddit news is better for that.

  3. This is rad. I’ve been wondering for a while why none of the Android news sites have tried the ICS/JB style. It’d work well in the desktop environment.

    Half tempted to launch my own Android news site, just so I can do it!

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