
South Korea getting souped up Galaxy S3 July 9th


We’d known that Samsung would treat their home turf with a nice device for quite some time, and now it’s been confirmed: South Korea will be getting a very powerful version of the Samsung Galaxy S3. Come July 9th, those of you in that part of the world will be able to get a quad-core enabled smartphone that has 2GB of RAM.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

It also has 4G. All the models worldwide are comparable otherwise, but South Korea is the only market that will receive the best of the best across the boards. Be sure to stop into one of South Korea’s major carriers if this applies to you. [via Samsung Tomorrow. thanks Jack!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. will their 4G frequencies work with verizon 4G? if so, ebay hear i come!

    1. no.

      anyways, it would be nice to bring this over to tmo. would be sick

      1. actually, they are a CDMA network, used my Sprint Hero over there for two weeks. V may not activate a phone on their network, but technically speaking they are compatible.

    2. I don’t believe their 3G is CDMA so there would be no texting or voice on Verizon. Really the only US Carrier with a prayer to get full use of this would be AT&T right bow and T-Mobile next year with their LTE Advanced roll out.

      1. see my response to Jonathan Roman.

  2. I hate variants of the same device. Why not just make one phone thats just awesome.

    1. Considering the UK doesn’t have 4G or LTE, and the US has different versions of LTE, it’s not possible to have a phone that has that many different radio capabilities in it. If it is possible, it’s certainly not economical. At least they gave the US 2GB of RAM.

  3. Expect the Samsung Galaxy S3 skyrocket any minute now.

  4. So they left the best for last eh?

    1. Not really, it’s .5mm thicker and has worse battery life with an external 4G modem.

  5. Apple will sue if it is name Samsung galaxy 3s. The own the s for 4s. Lol.

    1. Obsessed with apple much O_o lol

  6. Unfortunately this reeks of the Droid RAZR / RAZR MAXX debacle.

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