
The iDuck Stand Can Transform Your Galaxy S3 (Or Any Glossy Android Device) Into Howard The Duck


Okay, I don’t know if it’s pure nostalgia taking over me because I watched too many duck cartoons as a kid (Darkwing Duck Ducktales, etc.) but somebody at the KONStore is a gosh damn genius. These guys have come up with the iDuck Stand and it can transform your Samsung Galaxy S3 — or just about any device with a glossy battery cover — into an honest to goodness duck. The rubber duck bill attaches to your device via a suction cup on the back, and using the bundled emoticon stickers, can give your duck phone its own unique personality.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Of course the secondary purpose of the accessory is to allow you to prop up your device in either portrait or landscape mode, for easy watching of media or act as a bedside clock. What’s more, that iDuck Stand can be attached to your keys and you can even stash a pair of earbuds inside.

I know, you want me to shut up and tell you where you can buy one already. Fine, hit up that source link and the iDuck Stand can be yours for the low price of $20. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the suction should work just fine on some textured surfaces like the Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Note (I’ve used suction stands in the past with 100% success). Who’s getting one?

[KONstore | Gizmodo]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. What the duck?

  2. so that’s ducking awesome.

  3. Ducking Fail (Sorry couldn’t resist it, could’ve been worse could of wrote Duck off, Meh)

  4. thats one fugly stand

    1. It’s not fugly it’s dugly :)

  5. Get tha duck outta here !

  6. Your responses Quack me up…..

  7. U gotta be ducking kidding me…

  8. Duckin’-A! So, Chris, you have past experience with one suction stands?

  9. Ok…would never buy, but thanks for the Howard trailer/flashback. That movie could not have been produced outside the 80’s, even with Lucas’s name attached!

  10. One thing you can’t say about android owners is that they don’t have a sense of humor as opposed to iPhone users. DTW….lol

  11. GTDO! (Get The Duck Out!)

  12. That’s Quackers!!!

  13. Duck me! But “i”Duck? Really?

  14. WTD is this? messing up my favorite childhood movie?

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