HandsetsTips & Tricks

Quick fix restores 4G data after T-Mobile HTC Sensation Ice Cream Sandwich update


T-Mobile subscribers with the HTC Sensation 4G were ecstatic to learn that the carrier had begun pushing the handset’s upgrade to Android 4.0, but the process hasn’t been smooth for all. Not only does the update come with a change to T-Mobile’s mobile hotspot policy (you have to pay to play, now), but some users are losing their 4G data connection altogether after upgrading. The good news is that the missing data problem doesn’t appear to be all that severe and can be solved with one of several quick fixes.

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One solution involves navigating to your network settings and switching to WCDMA/GSM Auto if it isn’t already selected. If it is already selected (or if this trick doesn’t work) try disabling mobile networks for a few seconds and then turning them back on. Likewise, toggling to airplane mode and back should do the trick.

We’ll keep an eye on the situation in case it developers into a larger problem requiring a software patch, but for now it seems like a minor bump along the road to Ice Cream Sandwich. Any users out there experience this problem?

[via TMoNews]


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  1. I ran into this one after installing the rooted version of the update. For me, turning mobile data on solved it. I think the problem was that after the update, the “Mobile network” setting was set to off by default, but I can’t say for sure that it was already off or if I switched it off & on.

    1. Can you please share a link to the rooted version of the update? I need one

  2. See why stock Android on devices is better?

    1. Not from this glitch, no I don’t. This is nothing to do with Sense. Even if it were “stock” Android it would still be modified for the device, with the consequent possibility of bugs. From my experience, the manufacturer-supplied software almost always runs better on the device it’s optimized for than a third-party rom does.

  3. Listen guys get S off and root. Flash a custom ICS Rom and get the free WiFi tether. I think it is crazy to have to pay twice for your data.

  4. Similarly so people know, in the same setting if you select WCDMA only that will lock you on 4G signals only on T-Mobile phones. This is helpful in buildings where edge signals penetrate buildings better and your phone will want to connect to that more even though 4G is available.

  5. I agree with xcelr8ion. Why pay twice when you can just as easily get WiFi for free?! Makes sense to me.

  6. 8Yrs with these Mo Fo’s, & they just kicked me in the Damn Nuts. I called these bastards last night to make sure that if I upgraded, my hotspot would be unaffected as it should be part of my plan.
    The imbecile who I spoke to kept assuring me that my plan included hot spot & that I would have no problem after upgrading.
    So what the F*** happens? I upgrade & my god damn hot spot is gone!!! I’ve been tethering for years & in on F’ing day it’s gone. The Jack Offs kept apologizing, I had a supervisor come on & he apologized. I told them I don’t give a flying F*** about an apology, I want my phone back the way it was. They kept telling me it’s not possible & that the person who told me I could upgrade with no issues was wrong.
    I kept telling them, that is not my problem! They breached my service contract. There has been a fundamental change to my service, as it has been for years. The imbecile offered 1mnth of tethering, then after $14.99mnth.
    I told them that I will be contacting the NYS Attorney Generals Office! They are in violation of something, there is no way they can get away with this.
    Even I asked them if they have the records of the conversation with that personnel & they said yes. Unless they erase that record that he told me, that I would be ok with upgrade; Tmo is the employer & they have to be held responsible for the actions of their employees.
    I would have never upgraded to this buggy S**t, if i knew i would be losing my hotspot. I need it for business daily. Now i’m Fu***D
    I am soooo damn LIVID! And to think for years I touted how much I loved tmo, F**K Tmo.
    Is there any way to go back to how things were?

  7. I love android 4.0 update makes sensation from worst phone to one of my best after update. No 4g issues either.

  8. The ICS update cripples the HTC Sensation in other ways too. Your urls in plain text emails will cease to function as hyperlinks. I called TMobile -They directed me to HTC. HTC confirmed this is not a bug but a feature (so they are not responsible for fixing it) that was put in the ICS update due to a settlement with Apple. Then I called TMobile and they also claimed no responsibility . Finally, a supervisor offered a unscheduled dscounted upgrade. I think I am going to root this beast and get out of TMobile when the plan is over. (and no more HTC phones).

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