
Motorola DROID 4, Bionic, and RAZR Running On T-Mobile and AT&T With Software Mod


And this folks, is why an “Android life” can be so much fun sometimes. A few crafty devs over on XDA got to tinkering around with their Motorola Droid Bionics and found that the device actually supports global GSM bands for use on networks T-Mobile and AT&T. At first, the idea was shot down by naysayers, but after delving deeper into the device’s hardware, it was found that the device’s MDM6600 radio works just fine on AT&T’s HSPA, and T-Mobile’s Edge network with a little minimal effort. P3Droid posted some images for proof on his Twitter account earlier today (below), showing the device up and running on AT&T after a little software modification.

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Other Motorola devices on Verizon with similar hardware, like the Droid RAZR and Droid 4, work just fine too. Although not sanctioned by Big Red just yet, this technically means Verizon currently offers a great lineup of global devices — if Motorola and Verizon would just allow/enable it. Development is progressing along nicely but Moto’s locked bootloaders are providing for a few speed bumps. Pretty neat if you think about it. You can find more details and download links for the willing at the source link below.

Thanks, Trav473!


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Wow, I think I will get one of this phone when mod is completed.

    CDMA phones use to be less expensive!

  2. lol first the rezound now this lol xD

  3. Cool

  4. Hmm well I don’t see why this won’t work for the Verizon galaxy nexus either . I will try and see

    1. Woah woah woah… They could have different radio hardware. The easiest way to brick a device is flashing incompatible radios. I’d be SUPER careful if I were you…

    2. Galaxy Nexus doesn’t have global radios. This won’t work on the GNex.

      1. Pointless now since you can get an unlocked for $400.

        1. ..But it won’t also work on VZW’s network AND at&t/T-Mobile.. Which is the whole point of this mod.

          1. Wait!! So you’re saying the main purpose is so you can have it work on Verizon AND Tmo/ATnT? Why would anyone want that? Well… I guess a developer would…

            It’s lyk modding the Nexus S to work on both Sprint and Tmo, when you can get the Tmo version and don’t have to worry about modding or anything of the sort. That was my main point, when referring to the Galaxy Nexus.

            I’d be more than happy to have a keyboard phone on Tmo that’s cool and up to date.

    3. All these phones have sim card slots…. The Verizon Galaxy Nexus does not.

      1. my nexus has a sim card

        1. You mean the 4G LTE card?

  5. I remember reading that the Bionic was originally supposed to be a world phone, like the Photon 4G, but thought that was lost in the redesign.  I am glad the hardware still supports it.  If they ever completely unlock this phone it could be an astounding device!

  6. Didn’t this happen with the Rezound?  Did anyone ever get it to work?  And will it only work on T-Mo’s Edge network?  No HSPA+??

  7. No I wouldn’t try flashing those on the nexus. I was thinking about seeing what would happen if I put a T-Mobile or at&t micro sim inside and then did *#*#4636#*#*

  8. So, theoretically I could take a cheap bad esn Verizon phone I can get from eBay and throw it on AT&T with no issues?

    1. That’s what I want to know too. Someone answer this. Because if this is true, I’d be more than happy to get a Droid 4. I need me a QWERTY phone.

      But with all this news, I don’t know if I still want the Galaxy Note. I tabla-phone could be convenient.

      1.  I am an htc fanboy and loathe samsung because I have to sell them but the note is actually… a nice phone. very capable and also a lot of fun! But att also has the samsung captivate glide that has a slide out keyboard!

  9. If the Droid 4 can get up in running with a standard of 3-5Mb speeds, I’d cry. I’m looking for a good Keyboard phone and they’re all on Verizon.

  10. Does this work on Droid Razr Maxx?…I would love to put at&t straight talk service on that for only $45 a month unlimited everything and HSPA+… 

    1. Considering the post said it works on the Droid RAZR and the MAXX has exactly the same software and hardware (except for the battery), I would assume yes.

  11. Phandroid should have someone with technical knowledge write about technical details since there are quite a few bits of false info in this post including how chips in these devices work.

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