
ASUS PadFone up for pre-order in Taiwan, on sale April 20


In the year since it was initially announced, the ASUS PadFone has gone through a few changes. But ASUS promised us it would finally for on sale in April, and sure enough retail availability is almost upon us. The PadFone is up for pre-order in Taiwan. Though it may not be indicative of its pricing model in all regions, there will be several options to consider when purchasing the chameleon of a device. Users can opt to buy only the handset portion up front — the dual-core Snapdragon S4 brains of the operation will retail for NT$17,990 (equivalent to $610 in the US) — or pick up a bundle that includes the tablet dock (NT$24,980 or US$850) or tablet dock with keyboard dock (NT$28,901 or US$980). For those that pre-order ASUS is throwing in an additional battery pack.

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The PadFone starts shipping April 20th for those in Taiwan. Availability in other regions has not yet been revealed.

[via Engadget]

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  1. Considering the nexus tablet is “150-200” this is kind off ripping off, if the nexus tablet price is true

    1. I agree the price outweighs the advantage of having all your devices in one when you can buy the devices seperately for less. Who knows what the price points will be by the time it reaches other markets though.

      1. remember you will be paying for up to three devices:

        phone = $610
        tablet = $240
        keyboard = $130

        based on their current prices, it sounds reasonable to me.

        1. $240 for a brain-less touchscreen display sounds reasonable to you? Really?

          The real problem is that US Carriers will either a) refuse to offer this device altogether, b) force a monthly “tethering” fee, and/or c) bring it out at a ridiculous price even if it’s subsidized.

          I’m very excited about this concept, but I just don’t believe US carriers will make it viable anytime soon.

          In 10+ years?  Maybe…

  2. This is without carrier subsidizing, remember that. If it was on a carrier, it would be significantly less.

  3. I seriously doubt the Nexus tablet will be 150 bucks. This padfone is a big step in technology, and I love it. Its a shame I dont think Verizon would ever let something like this be sold on their network

  4. Wouldn’t mind having just the phone but the price is a bit beyond what I’d be willing to pay.  If Asus is getting serious about Android tablets, one can hope that carries over to their phones as well.

  5. This could mean that tablets are finally useful for me instead of just being a throne device.

  6. @aeries the price on this phone is cheap. The htc one x is about 800$ off contract. This is 600$.

    1. Both are too much.

      1. it’s only beginning. The price will go down.
        Galaxy Nexus started from 800 – now 450

  7. Here’s what I’m wondering: let’s say you buy the bundle – unlocked so you can pop your own SIM in it.  Would your carrier know that you had a tablet, or would they only be able to recognize it as a handset?  I think the latter, since you’re not really ‘tethering’ the tablet; the phone is still powering the whole thing, and I’m guessing the tablet doesn’t have its own IMEI/MAC/unique identifier.  So you could get away with a smartphone rate plan, needing no separate data plan or tethering bolt-on for the tablet.  Sounds like a good reason to buy the whole thing unsubsidized (assuming anybody subsidzes it).  Any other thoughts?

  8. prices are right ..no carrier will support this tho
    i might hav to get it unlocked 

  9. Sidenote: I emailed Asus UK questioning release date of all their latest tabs aka 700 series and 300 series alongside potential Nexus tab and the response said. Asus have no ‘Launch plan’ for these devices.

    I call BullS***.

    I’ve now replied questioning why a company such as Asus would not have any plan for launch of devices which have been showcased at trade fairs over a month ago and are clearly in production. :p

  10. Droid Razr is $599 (off contract) and the lapdock is $290. The prices sound more than reasonable to me.

  11. it sounds reasonable to me.  When ipods and other comparable items cost $220, and any table in the $150 and under category are cheaply made and laggy, and here in NY where a monthly metrocard cost $104.  I don’t see $240 for a tablet to be used for  1.5 – 2 years to be too much.

  12. This to me is significantly more exciting then the HTC One X…  Although I’m leaning towards the Padphone 2 which will hopefully be Quadcore, PentaBand and a 1280 x 720 on the phone display….

  13. this processor is faster than the Tegra 3. Quad core is a DOWNGRADE.

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