
Google Flight Search Now Includes International Flights From the US


Google Flight Search is a great tool that makes finding the best deals on flights just a little bit easier. You can now fly from the US to many countries around the world. Google has added support for 500 different international airports and are working to add more everyday. Unfortunately you still can’t search for flights departing from countries other than the United States, but we’re hopeful that Google is working on that so everyone can utilize the tool. If you have an international trip coming up consider using Flight Search. [via Google]

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Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. US this US that….move on already!! 

    1. on US site complaining about US flight search….European World Problems

      1. More a complaint about music, books and movies from google.

        How does European world problems even make sense? Europe is a continent not a world…any world problems would affect the world, not just a continent…if you want to be [funny], and use the “1st world problems meme line” at least use it right or not at all.

        p.s. Newsflash, complaining about US companies usually happens on a US website. I would love to complain about it on Google.movies.nl or .de or .be or .fr, but geuss what? The complaint is that THEY DON’T EXIST (yet)… :S

        Get a clue

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